Chapter 37 - The Sicilian sunset

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Rick's POV

"A slight cramp," she replied and took deep breaths.

"Let's go to the doctor," I suggested anxiously.

"No, I am better now. I just need to rest," she said, ruffling her hair while resting her other hand on her baby bump.

In a swift movement, I scooped her up in my arms, catching her off guard.

"Rick! What are you doing? I can walk myself," she commented softly.

"But I like you in my arms," I said seductively and bit my lower lip, looking her in the eyes.

She beamed at me and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. "I love you, Rick."

"I love you more."

"No, I love you more." I objected and winked at her. "Do you want me to show you?" I asked provocatively.

"You can't as much as you try, because I love you more," she stated firmly, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"We will see," I commented huskily and bit my lower lip seductively.

I was caressing Vanessa's hair tenderly, watching her while she was sleeping peacefully. Despite the fact I tried to assure her that Jack couldn't hurt us, she was still worried about me and the baby.

Suddenly, my phone buzzed. I leaned towards the bedside table and grabbed my phone It was Mario.

'We brought him here. We are waiting for you.'

I smirked, self-satisfied and stood up without waking Vanessa up. After putting on my clothes, I went downstairs.

As soon as I walked into the room where my henchmen were keeping that bastard, I gave him a death glare and approached him. Mario informed me that he didn't tell them anything.

"Who ordered you to follow me?" I asked in an authoritative tone, resting my hands in my pockets. He smirked arrogantly without saying anything. "Fine, you wanted it," I commented devilishly and punched him in the face. Then I grabbed his hair tightly, making him face me. "Talk! Who send you?"

"You will be dead soon as well as your bitch," he commented wickedly and gave me an insolent smirk.

I gritted my teeth in irritation and punched him again and again. He groaned in pain while I kept hitting him.

"Ricky! Stop!" Mario exclaimed, trying to pull me away as the man lost his unconsciousness.

"Let go of me," I demanded, still keeping hitting the bastard furiously.

"If you kill him, we can't find anything," Mario commented firmly.

"He won't say anything. And I don't need answer. I know very well that that bastard Jack sent him here to follow me," I stated angrily and punched the man's face again. His face and shirt were covered in blood. He was unrecognizable, but it didn't make me calm down.

Vanessa's POV

"Rick, no. We bought enough maternity clothes. I don't need much; the baby will be born in a few weeks," I said, tired as Rick wanted to go to another shop.

"Well, if you don't wear all of them in this pregnancy, then you will wear them in your next pregnancy." He winked at me playfully.

"Next pregnancy?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes, I want a brother or sister for Alessio," he replied firmly and rested his hand on my belly. "You want a sibling too, don't you?" he asked, looking at my belly, and placed a soft kiss on it.

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