Chapter 22 - Hoping for miracle

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Vanessa's POV

I covered my mouth with my hand and rushed to the bathroom as nausea flooded over me. Fortunately, I reached in time.

After vomiting, I splashed some water onto my face. I still felt bad. I had been feeling unwell the last few days. Probably, I was sick because I didn't properly eat, and if we added to it the stress I felt, it was miracle that I wasn't in the hospital.

I rested my hand on my stomach and went to my bedroom back. Today Jack and I were visiting his parents. My family would be there to; so I had to get ready.

Jack only let me leave my bedroom when we went to visit our parents or when my parents visited me here because they didn't know that he locked me in my bedroom. He threatened me not to tell our parents about it if I didn't want him to touch me.

It had been a month since Jack locked me in my room. At least, I didn't often see his face. I only saw him when we went to our parents, but it was rare as well. Moreover, he had been so busy the last few weeks; there were some problems in his business, but I didn't know what the problem was.

When we arrived in Jack's parents', my parents were already here. Once we greeted each other, Jack, his father and my father went to the garden to talk privately. Meanwhile, Jack's mother, Joanna, my mother and I were chatting in the living room. As always after talking for a while, Joanna asked me when Jack and I were planning to have a baby.

"Excuse me. I have to go to the bathroom," I lied and went to the bathroom as Joanna didn't stop talking about her dream to be a grandmother.

When I was about to walk into the bathroom, my head spoon. I leaned my hand against the doorframe for support.

After feeling slightly better, I walked into the bathroom and washed my hands. Then I rested my hands on my neck to freshen up, closing my eyes while taking deep breathes.

After feeling better, I left the bathroom in slow steps.

"What are you doing here?" Jack asked firmly and approached me angrily.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Don't you have any idea?" I asked mockingly.

"Don't try to mess up with me, Vanessa. If you found yourself a new lover, you know very well how I will destroy them," he stated firmly, giving me an intimidating look as he grabbed my arm tightly.

"Let go of me, Jack. You are hurting me," I pleaded, trying to pull my hand away.

"If you weren't Vincent's daughter, I would already get rid of you, you little bitch," he confessed bitterly and trailed his hand from my back to my derriere.

"What are you doing?" I asked in panic and tried to pull back.

"Don't worry you aren't my type, and I don't like sluts as you." Jack gave me an arrogant look, traveling his hand towards front of my jeans. "Good, you don't have a phone on you." He smirked and pulled back.

"Did you forget that you took my phone?" I reminded mockingly and rubbed my arm.

"My wife is a sneaky bitch. I have to be wary." He gave me a disgusting smirk as he grabbed my chin and pushed me back against the wall.

"Let go of me!" I exclaimed angrily and tried to push him back, but he was stronger than me.

"Don't try to fool me. You know how you will get punished." He smirked devilishly.

I gave him a disgusting look and pushed him back. This time he finally let go of me.

When I wanted to walk away from him, I felt dizzy again. I tried to rest my hand on the wall for support, but suddenly, my vision darkened.

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