Holiday plans Hermiones POV

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I sit in my bedroom in the muggle world and think about Hogwarts. I mean seriously it has felt like ages since I've been there. My parents aren't in the house, because there dentists. Well if you have no possible ideas what a Dentist is, it's a muggle who is qualified to work in people's teeth to fix them.

I also think about Harry and Ron, my two best friends from Hogwarts the school of witchcraft and wizardry. I've known Harry and Ron from the very first day of Hogwarts. It was only until late in year one that we really became friends. They all probably thought I was a stuck up 'good at everything' most of first year. To be honest I could never fly a broom very well.

One boy from the first day of Hogwarts who I thought was stuck up was Draco Malfoy. I had this strange dream about him the other night, he went to Snape and pleaded him for help. Strange. I don't know why I should care if I had a dream about Draco or not. It was just a dream. I definitely don't want to go telling Harry and Ron about that, they could go crazy. I have no idea why this is happening. Most of the first weeks of the holidays Draco has been unexpectedly been popping into my head.

I ran down the stairs to grab some cookies for a snack and see a barn owl flying from the distance. Not usually do you see them in the muggle world. There our witches and wizards way to send mail. The owl fly's through the open window and lands with a thud on the kitchen bench. Stupid owl.

It carried a letter which I open quickly. I am the type of girl who wants to know about stuff in a hurry. Ron's scrappy handwriting lay on the parchment.

Dear Hermione,

I wandered if you want to come to the burrow this holidays. Mum thought maybe you could come around two days from now. So that would be a Thursday. Harry is also invited. Ginny is exited and she keeps pestering me to tell you she has stuff planned. You know George and Fred are expelled from Hogwarts. But the have made a magic shop. It sells awesome stuff. I miss you and hope to see you soon. Please reply as soon as possible.

Your friend Ron

I rushed to upstairs and found some parchment and and quill and some ink. I wrote a letter back to Ron. Explaining that I should be able to come.

Dear Ron,

It has been a long time hasn't it! I shall ask my mum and dad about this soon. As they are out at the moment. It will be fun. Do I have to bring my Hogwarts stuff? Just wandering. It could be easier if you could take me to Hogwarts because my parents are extremely busy. It's always a pleasure to catch up with Ginny, Harry and you of course. Also send my best to Ginny and Harry.

Yours truly Hermione

Checking that the parchment was tied to the owl firmly I sent it back to Ron. After I sent Ron's owl off I saw Hedwig. She was sitting on the window ledge of my bedroom. I tapped gently on the window and beckoned her in. She held a small letter. Harry's writing lay there on the parchment.

Dear Hermione,

Are you coming to the Burrow this Thursday? How are you? I am still sad after Sirius' death. It been so hard. I was going to live with him. Until Bellatrix Lestrange killed him with the killing curse. I am going to get her back for this. She can't go around killing people who haven't done a thing wrong. Miss you and Ron a lot.

Your friend Harry

I looked at the parchment, the ink was now dry but I saw ink that had been wet. It had ran down the parchment. Harry must've been crying when he had written this letter. No wander why Harry hasn't written much over the past 3 weeks.

I made sure to comfort Harry when I wrote back.

Dear Harry,

Yes I am coming to the burrow hopefully except my mum and dad don't no yet. I should probably ring them and check first. I am very well. I would ask you but I already no the answer. I'm so sorry Harry. Remember the memories in year three we had together. We rescued Sirius remember. He would've already been dead a few years ago if it wasn't for us. Think about it like that.

Yours truly Hermione

Hedwig flew away gracefully with the letter. Now I had some spare time I went down stairs and rang my mum and dads office number.

A lady answered the phone.

"Hello. This is Hermione Granger, my mother and father work at this dentistry. I was wandering if I could talk to them for a moment."

The lady replied "hang on. I will get them for you. There on a break at the moment anyway."

I waited around 2 minutes and then I heard my mother voice on the other line.

"Hermione. What's wrong?" She asked

"Mum. I was wandering if I could catch up with my friends Ron, Harry and Ginny from school in the holidays?"

My mother paused before she replied. "Of course you can. But Hermione we have to speak about this formerly when your father and I get home. I will allow you to except I just need to clarify it with you and your father."

"Ok mum. I'll see you soon"

"Bye darling."

I hanged the phone up. I pulled out Hogwarts a History and reread it. I always liked rereading that book. It tells you all about Hogwarts of course. One amazing fact about Hogwarts is that no electronics work there, only radios which are controlled by magic.

Hey, readers. I hope you like it. If you have any ideas or anything you think I could do, please comment bellow or even you could direct message. I also will give you credits and dedicate chapters to you. If you like Harry Potter by J.K Rowling and also if you like this please vote. All characters are created by J.K Rowling.

Love Ashy

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