Family time Hermiones POV

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It's Wednesday night and I'm going to the Burrow tomorrow. So excited I'll be able to catch up with Harry and Ron. I sit at my desk and I hear a soft 'meow' coming from the direction of the door.

"Crookshanks is that you?" I whispered.

As the bright orange cat stormed in I saw that she was carrying a mouse in her mouth. "Crookshanks, how many time have I told you. No more catching mice. Naughty Crookshanks!" I scolded.

The cat suddenly dropped it and run off. Silly cat! It's bad enough with her bringing mice to me. Now I have to dispose it! Filthy! I ran down stairs to the kitchen. It was dark without the lights on. Once I got to the kitchen I started frantically opening the cupboards for some plastic gloves. Having both parents as dentists can be really helpful, you will find they always keep a pair of plastic gloves somewhere. I found the gloves and I sprinted upstairs to my bedroom where Crookshanks put the rat.

"Filthy!", I moaned picking up the rat. "Hermione is everything okay up there?" A voice called that was owned by my mother.

"Yes mum. Umm I just read something disgustingly filthy in a book. I mean it was horrible and there were illustrations and everything. I was just doing some background reading for when I go back to Hogwarts." I called down the flight of stairs.

I can't tell my parents about my cat catching mice so I always try to find another reason. If they found out about Crookshanks they would probably prohibit me from having her roam outside.

I quickly open my window of my bedroom and grab the slimy dead mouse. The blood is fresh and its face now looks as if it's a squashed tomato. I check to make sure it's safe to throw the mouse outside. I throw it and glance where it goes. It reaches a near bush and plummets down into the shrub. "Sorry little mouse. It will not happen to anymore of your family. Crookshanks is banned." I say under my breath.

"Hermione, dinners ready!" My father calls from downstairs. I shut my window and walk down the stairs.

Both of my parents smile as I enter the dinning room. Under the table they hold hands and I can see how bright and happy they are by there smiling, bright happy faces.

I pull a dinning chair out and sit down. I look at the dinner all in serving dishes. "Wow. This is lovely, it looks delicious." I say.

Mum exclaims, "yes dear. It is a let's say one of the last dinners I'll have before I next see you. And Hermione my father and I love you dearly."

I look at both my parents, my father nodding in agreement. There is a roast chicken on a tray, on a separate try are some vegetables. My mum and dad start pulling the chicken apart. "Hermione do you want a leg?" Mum asks.

"Oh yes please!" I reply. She puts the leg unto my plate. My mum starts serving dad a piece and finally herself. I grab some peas, carrots, corn, cauliflower, broccoli. There was a small jug on the table which contained gravy sauce. I poured it over my chicken.

I then got my fork and started eating the delicious chicken. The carrots and the vegetables were cooked very well. Knowing my mother she always loves to prepare a nice occasional meal of roast meat.

Once my parents are finished I offer to clean the plates for them. "Go ahead Hermione. If you want." My dad says.

Well it will get my mind off Crookshanks being a pain.

I start turning on the hot water and putting wash liquid into the sink. I grab a sponge and start washing the bowels, trays, plate and cutlery.

"What are you watching?" I asked my parents who were sitting on the 4 seater couch. "Downtown Abbey." My father replied.

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