Since the day Hermione punched Draco...

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Hey readers. I really hope your enjoying this so far. I'm enjoying writing the stroy. So here's todays shoutouts. Thank you to all the people bellow for commenting, voting.
paigejunge , potterhead503

Also this chapter is really, really, really long so get something to eat and definately get comfortable.


Hermione sat on the ground of the tent looking deep into the fire while Draco drew pictures in the dirt. He wasn't in the best position right now with family and espicially not voldemort. Hermione looked over to Draco and realised his upset expression. Hermione's eyes followed from Draco's expression to his fingers and then to the pictures drawn into the dirt.

All the noise from outside the tent had disappeared and there was complete silence. Draco started drawing another picture in the dirt. Hermione carefully watched, suddenly she dropped her mouth at what the picture was of.

Draco forgot Hermione was there and drew a picture of Hermione with her messy brown hair trailing down her Hogwarts robes.

Draco looked over to see Hermione staring at him. "Hermione are you ok?" Draco said cutting off the silence.

Hermione was nervous to speak to Draco. So she limited her words "Yes I'm fine. What are those pictures of?"

Draco noticed Hermione looking at the one he drew of her. "Oh that- it's a picture of- I need some fresh air. Sorry Hermione I'll tell you later." Draco ran out of the tent feeling embarassed.

He sat down on a large rock beside the tent. It was rough under Draco but he didn't care he just embarassed himself in front of Hermione. Maybe he thought her more of just friends but Draco would never admit it. Ever since Hermione punched him he had been so arrogant and the name calling had gotten worse.

Draco was so angry he just wanted to let it all out. No one understands except Hermione he thought to himeself.

Suddenly Draco stomped his foot several times on the forest floor. "I'm such a stupid idiot. Why does everything go wrong. It's all my stupid parents fault. Why do we have to be blastering Death Eaters. This is such a stupid mess and now I'm in more danger, than I've ever been in." Draco yelled.

Hermione peered through the open tent and saw the flustration of Draco Malfoy escape him. She watched curiously as he stomped his foot and saying he was a blastering idiot.

Hermione went over to Draco and slapped him in the face. Draco was confused. "Oww that hurt Hermione. What was that fo-"

Hermione yelled at the top of her voice, "DONT YOU DARE CALL YOURSELF A BLASTERING IDIOT DRACO MALFOY."

Now Draco understood what was going on. "Hermione but I am one. You of all people should no that. I called you a mudblood and I hate thinking that you of all people can forgive me so easy. I can't even forgive myself. I just want you to know I have changed in a way that has been painful, forceful for me to even do but I had to do it. I can't make the same mistakes my parents did."

Hermione felt uneasy what did Draco mean by forceful, painful has this got anything to do with why he's changed? Maybe I should just ask him.

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