Hogwarts Weekly reveals 2 new couples

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Hey I want to say the magazine cover is my edit so please do not copy it. Create you own just do not use mine. I hope you enjoy this chapter and some important news at the end Hermione is going with ... to Slughorns dinner party.


A few days later Hermione and Draco were working on there potions assignment. Draco was all arrogant to everyone except Hermione. Hermione snapped at every Gryfindor she saw doing the wrong thing. She had also lost her voice due to yelling at students out of there dormitories at night.

Draco on the other hand was sick and flustered. It was a normal Saturday when students could chose to go to Hogsmeade Draco and Hermione were both not feeling to good so they went to the library together to do a potions assignment.

A few hours later Draco moaned "Hermione can we do something?"

Hermione croaked "yes I think I'll have it done by Tuesday. Okay where do you want to go then?"

Draco thought for a moment "why don't we go to the Black Lake?"

"Ok. I'll just get my scarf and jacket out of my bag." Hermione loved putting spells to enlarge the size of her bag, she could fit in everything.

"All ready." Hermione said in a happy voice.

Draco grabbed Hermione's hand and they both wandered to the Black Lake. They sat and talked about life. Hermione told Draco how she felt when she saw Pansy and Ron together. The two friends picked up stones and tossed them into the water, Hermione laughed as Draco tossed a large one that plonked into the water and sank. They also practised spells on objects. Eventually they sat down and talked.


As the feast started at the Great Hall that night Hermione couldn't stop thinking about Draco. All she wanted was to go and kiss him but she knew she must not think like that. Hermione Granger kissing Draco Malfoy might scare him off, she needed to make a great plan to get him interested in her.

Hermione had come up with a few ideas but not very many. 

The feast was delicious but again Hermione sat by herself on the Gryfindor table.  All the lovely food smelled delicious. 

"Quiet. Please." Dumbledore warned. 

Dumbledore looked tired and awful.  "I would like to say that this year students must focus and learn.  This is your best opportunity to become great wizards and witches.  'He who not be named' is stronger than before, I want you to know he is out there and you are safe here at Hogwarts.  Tomorrow and every day beyond I want you students to practise spells to put them to good use.  I am sure all of you will turn out to be fantastic witches and wizards."

Dumbledore sat back down next to Professor Mcgonagall. 


On Monday morning twice as many owls as usual soared in dropping magazines to every student. The fourth year Hufflepuffs were in a good mood.

A magazine dropped into Hermione's cereal. One dropped on Ron's head another one landed on Draco's books. Pansy copped one to her face as she looked up.

All four looked at the cover. Ron was completely shocked a picture of Pansy and him snogging in the corridor. Pansy coughed up her toast at seeing the picture of her snogging. Draco ragged at all the Slytherins "bloody hell. That's absolutely unacceptable for students to post this none sense." Hermione let a smirk play her face but was also had the same reaction as Draco.

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