Fleur Delecor

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"When did you get here?" Harry asked Hermione with a tad of jealously. Well Harry hadn't been at the burrow for very long.

"Ugh about 4 hours ago." Hermione said.

Harry completely forgot to tell Hermione about his dream. He did tell Ron but the relationship between Hermione and Harry was very different. They felt like brother and sister towards each other.

"Right as usual Miss Granger is always ugh lets say early to everything." He laughed.

Hermione went bright Crimson and her face felt all hot. Harry had embarrassed her like usual brother and sisters do.

"Hey. Umm Ginny do you mind if we take Hermione down to Ron's now?" Harry asked Ginny.

Ginny snapped. "Whatever."

Harry felt a little bit taken by how Ginny said it. Ron thought they should leave Harry alone with her. He was better luck at finding out. But Hermione new better.

Hermione grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him out the door. "Harry don't go there. She's still dating Dean and I don't think-"She hissed under her breath.

"Hermione I don't have feelings for her." Harry whispered back.

They walked down a set of stairs to Ron's bedroom. Ron sat on his bed and Harry and Hermione sat on the floor.

"So great to see you again. Both of you" Harry exclaimed.

"Yeah mate. We going to have so much fun this year I can feel it." Said Ron.

"Oh and every year at Hogwarts we've done something to almost always get us into trouble." Hermione laughed.

"Since when do you like getting in trouble, Hermione?" Ron questioned.

Hermione was a girl that was good in first grade. Instead she became friends with Harry and Ron before Christmas and then started doing things to get them into trouble. Every year since then Hermione, Ron and Harry have done amazing things.

"Since first grade." Hermione giggled.

"So Harry you were going to tell Hermione yet and me yet what happened with Dumbledore?" Ron asked.

"Harry what happened with Dumbledore?" Hermione insisted.

"Ugh so Dumbledore said I had to help him do something the other night. Well he took me around 11 last night to see his old friend and colleague. So when we got there there was no sign of him. The place was a muggle home and it was completely trashed with dragons blood all on the ceiling and the walls. So all I did was have a chat with Professor Slughorn and we talked about my mother and when we left he finally gave in and said he was going back to Hogwarts. So now he's back teaching there." Harry said completely running out of breath.

Hermione and Ron were mind blown. The were stuck on words. "So how did Dumbledore make his entry to the muggles?" Ron asked. Ron always thought Dumbledore would me this amazing entrance.

Harry stated, "umm well he kind of walked straight into the house and they freaked because they weren't expecting someone."

"Yes Great Wizards seem to forget the manners of the muggle world" Hermione said.

"It is strongly believed that muggle's are the blind of the wizarding world. So they always curse a blind eye to almost everything. Very slow you see as well. If you've lost a penny in the muggle world it's like hmm must've lost it bad luck but some wizards tend to take them with a flick of there wand."

"I'm sure he didn't mean it like that Hermione." Ron muttered under his breath.

"Yes your right Ron I'm sure he didn't." Hermione stood up and sat on Ron's bed.

"Well we were thinking Dumbledore wanted you to go and help him do something like that." Ron said as Hermione passed him a secretive look.

"Really?" Harry asked.

"Yeah you no since Umbridge left. I'm happy she's gone and there will be no toad face teacher anymore." Ron said with a tad of sorrowful.

"I'm definitely sure there's no one as horrible as Umbridge-" Hermione started.

Ginny Weasley strode in with her bright red hair hung over her shoulders. "Hermione oh yes there is and its that tha- it her." Ginny pointed towards Fleur.

Hermione fell backwards and hit her head. "Ouch!" She fumbled to try and help herself up but Ron had to in the end.

Ginny sat next to Harry and grabbed some cushions from under Ron's bed. She got one for Harry which she gave to him.

"Arry it has bin so long. I hope yeh Have a fantastic tim." Fleur said kissing both Harry's cheek leaving red lipstick smudged on them. "Oh my goodness I so sorry Arry. Let me clean your face for yeh."

"Um Fleur sorry but I think Harry being sixteen can clean his own face up." Said Ginny. Ginny wanted to help Harry since she wasn't very nice earlier. Fleur left the room feeling a bit flustered.

"Harry come with me. Let's get you cleaned up." Ginny said blushing. Ron said "Ginny I thought you just said-" "but out of it Ron" and she left with Harry.

"So Hermione what do you think that was about?"Ron asked Hermione.

"I don't know maybe Ginny wants to spend more time with Harry."

"Oh no what if Ginny like loves Harry. That would be terrible."

"Ron." Hermione was laughing and snaking Ron with her book in uncontrollable laughter.

While Ginny showed Harry the bathroom she slipped in there with him. Took away the mirror before Harry realised.

"Ginny where's the mirror?" Harry asked.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you there isn't one. But maybe I could help?" Ginny wanted Harry to let her help so bad.

"Of course if you want." Harry said a bit curiously.

Ginny got a sponge and turned the tap on to wet it. She saw where Fleur's lipstick marks were. She tried to remove them with water. It was stuck to him. Ginny found her cosmetic case were she kept her make up and she took out the remover. Ginny shakes the bottle and after squirts a bit of liquid on the sponge. It removes all of Lipstick and his face looks tons better.

Ginny and Harry went back into Ron's room. They sat back down.

"Okay i had this dream about Malfoy" Harry sniggered.

Hermione put her hands up to her mouth in shock. Oh no has he been having the dreams I've had all holidays about Draco. Oh no

"Ginny" Mrs Weasley called. "Would you mind help making lunch."

Ginny stood up and said "mum hates Fleur. Oh she is so-"

"Full of herself?" Hermione suggested.

"Yes well I better go. I'll see you there at lunch."
And she ran out of the room.

"So?" Said Hermione eager to hear more about Draco.

"Well, Voldemort summoned Malfoy, Draco Malfoy and started telling him all these orders that needs to be done at Hogwarts-"

Hermione interrupted "Harry it was just a dream. Okay so try not to think to deep about it. Please."

"Yeah Hermione's right mate." Ron added.

"Ok" Harry muttered.

"Is Tonks coming to dinner?" Harry asked.

"Oh no. Haven't you heard?" Hermione said.

"Heard about what?"

"Tonks is still sad about Sirius's death and she isn't metamorphosing very well anymore. People are saying her patronus is changing."

"What's metamorphosing?" Harry asked.

"Auroras have the ability to change into different creatures. Well Tonks is having some trouble doing that."

"Lunch is ready you lot. "Said Mrs Weasley.

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