chapter 1 °the beginning°

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TW: None?
I'm not sure if there is any. Please tell me if there are any soil that can put them

When the words are bold, they're speaking in ender

°third person's pov°

Ranboo had never been a bad Prince he was kind he was sweet he was loving. Everyone in the end loved him they adored him they cherished and spoiled him

They gave him riches they gave them all that they could give but one day it all change one day they hated him and despised him and Ranboo had no idea why that was until he was taken to the ender dragon herself

"Ranboo," the ender dragon said she was sitting in front of the portal, her tail wrapped around it, securely looking down at Ranboo

" y-yes " Ranboo said afraid of what the ender dragon needed from him the reason why he was afraid is because the only time you should ever be under the ender dragon's gaze was during trials for the enderman that had caused a crime

" What is it you need from me?" the Enderian asked

"I have been watching, and I have realized that you are not suitable to lead our people," the dragon said, a bit of smoke leaving her mouth

" W-what " Ranboo was confused how was he not suitable to rule over the end alongside the ender dragon it didn't make sense he himself was picked by the ender dragon to be Prince how was he all of a sudden not.... suitable

" Ranboo you must understand being Prince is a lot of work and it demands someone who can be praised and feared by their people so far you're only one of the two can you guess which one you are " the ender dragon said

Ranboo knew what the answer was he knew which one he was and which one he wasn't. He wasn't feared nor could he ever wish to be feared sure not being feared could cause issues in the future but that was future Ranboo's problem not now Ranboo he was still Young after all he was only 17.

"And since you are not the right person to be Prince, you're not allowed in the end any longer."

When the ender dragon said that Ranboo felt his heart stop what is she talking about why was she getting rid of him now why not when he was younger when he was still a child when he first got crowned as Prince

Before Ranboo could say anything, though, the ender dragon lit the portal to the overworld

" Step through this portal and never return," the ender dragon paused for a second, staring at Ranboo before she continued, "You are no longer welcome here," she said

Ranboo couldn't believe it he couldn't believe that he was getting banished from the end the only home that he's ever known he looked around to see if anyone would protest to see if anyone would vouch for him but as he looked every single enderman turned their head different direction or stared down at the ground

He knew why they weren't going to protest or vouch for him, though the ender dragon was nice and caring towards the enderman she was feared. everyone and everything that lives in the end that has a heart fears her

Even if they wanted to protest and keep Ranboo which many of them did they were all too afraid to speak up to afraid that the ender dragon would throw her anger and wrath at them and that was not something the enderman wanted

Ranboo didn't want to go into the portal he didn't want to go to the overworld he knew nothing of that place nothing of the dangerous and so he started to back up step by step trying to get further and further away from the portal that was until he was grabbed by the shoulders and behind him he saw two enderman holding him by the shoulders he was going to ask what they were doing but before could get a word out they started pushing him towards the portal

" NO.. PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME GO I....I DON'T WANT TO GO I'LL B-BE BETTER I'LL CHANGE I PROMISE PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME GO " ranboo said tears coming down from his face making his skin sizzle

All of his pleads and cries to stop to let him stay to let him be better had fallen upon deaf ears, and he was tossed into the portal


I know what you might be thinking what the hell am I doing making a new story when I haven't even finished one of my other ones listen I'm bored and I decided to make this okay okay I hope you like 💕👌


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