°Chapter 11: Tommy Time°

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Tw: Alcohol mentioned

Part one


°third pov°

Tommy was bored it was two days after the annual dinner and as per usual since everyone ate so much and for those old enough drank so much, everyone was lazy and tired the next day and decided to take that day off.

Honestly, Tommy shouldn't be surprised. It happened all the time after an annual dinner. People would eat and drink too much, and then the next day, they would be lazy and hungover and not want to work and end up not working for at least another 2 days.

But the afterfood sleepiness that everyone got didn't last long for Tommy. And now he was bored. Everyone was either working on small projects that didn't need too much energy or just simply relaxing and not wanting to do anything.

So Tommy decided to go to the one person he knew would want to do something with him or at least hang out with him and be in his presence, which was Ranboo.

The snobby Prince had gotten less snobby, especially after the annual dinner, and Tommy was excited and happy because of it.

Tommy made his way up the dirt path. That led to the Prince's cave and knocked on the door, yelling his name extremely loud.


The door swung open, and there Ranboo stood his long black hair was a mess he didn't have any makeup on and looked tired as hell.

"Tommy, what do you want?" Ranboo asked tiredly.

"Are you doing anything today?" Tommy asked. Ranboo shook his head.

"Good. Can you come over to my house? I'm bored and really want to hang out."

Ranboo to a breath, running his hand through his hair. "Sure, just let me get ready, and then we can hang out,"

Tommy smiled and nodded. "Okay, take your time. When you're done, just meet me at my house, okay?"

Ranboo gave another tired and shut the door.

Tommy smiled as he ran back to his house to make sure it was clean, thinking about all the fun activities he and Ranboo would get up to.


This was short, and I really don't know how to feel about it, but if you like it, then yay I did my job!

Anyway hope you all had a fun spring break, I did for sure.

Love you all lots


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