°chapter 6: cuddles°

474 19 3


°third's pov°

Ranboo had invited Tommy over to his house Again which was a surprise to both boys

But that didn't stop Tommy from going over to the Enderian's place the last time he was over there was fun in Tommy's opinion

" Ranboo " Tommy said knocking on the door

The door open and there standing in the door way was ranboo

" hi Tommy "

" hey boob boy you going to let me in or what? " Tommy said

Ranboo just rolled his eyes and stap aside to let the red winged boy in

" if you keep calling me that i swear I'm going to hit you " ranboo said closing the door behind Tommy

Tommy didn't say anything he just laughed and walked to the living room and plopped himself on the couch

" so why did you invite me over " Tommy asked when ranboo walked in the room

" well....sneeg is busy and usually when I'm stressed out I would drag him to my place to cuddle " ranboo said stopping to take a breath " but like I said the inchliung is busy so...... I thought you would be the next best thing "  ranboo said turning his head to hide the purple blush that Appeared on his face

Tommy didn't say anything for what felt like hours for ranboo but really it was just a few seconds

" aww ranboo you've been stressed " Tommy said his voice soft and quiet

" y...yes if your not going to help me then get out " ranboo said

" no no I'll help you we can cuddle " Tommy said his voice still soft and quiet

" are....are you sure I don't want to make you uncomfortable by this request " ranboo asked his voice also going soft

" Of course ranboo if it helps you then ill do it " Tommy said getting up from the couch

As Tommy walked over to ranboo Tommy saw the his eye were fully purple no pupil we seen just purple

" ran you ok? " Tommy asked but instead of getting a answer ranboo just looked a him and picked him up

" RANBOO WHAT ARE YOU DOING " Tommy shouted trying to squirm out of the enderians strong grip

Ranboo said nothing but enderman noise and sat to down in an array of blankets and pillows that were in the shape if a nest

As ranboo got in he grabbed Tommy and fell back bring Tommy with him

" ok boob boy you can just pick a guy off the ground and put him in a nest you know " Tommy said as ranboo curled around him in a protective way

" fine don't talk to me your luck that this is actually nice " Tommy said his bird  brain screaming flock as he snuggle closer

Once Tommy and ranboo got comfortable they both fell into a nice and comforting sleep


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