chapter 3 °amethyst° part 1

539 18 1

Tw: cursing (?)
If there is any more tell me but I don't think there is

°Tommy's pov°

HELL FUCKING YEAH I cannot believe it Ranboo actually agreed to come mining with me I knew the amethyst would get him

It's going to be so awesome I'm going to be hanging out with a fucking Prince

I've been dying to try and get around to his good side because I know he has one I seen the way he softly talks to sneeg and all that and always wondered if he would do the same with me if me and him were friends

And I'm also kind of jealous and upset that sneeg was able to get Ranboo to become his friend first instead of me

Big man Tommyinit always gets what he wants even if it takes a little time

The fact that ranboo agreed to come mining with me is a huge step in the friendship that we could have with each other sure ranboo only said yes because I mentioned finding amethyst for him but hey his coming either way

Once I finally get the stuff prepared to go mining I go straight to Ranboo's amethyst cave to go and get him

Once I get there I knock on the door not a moment later he opens it!

" Hey Ranboo ready to go mining " I said the biggest smile I could manage

Ranboo sighed and rolled his eyes but nodded

" Yes I'm ready can we please go now before I change my mind " ranboo said

" Okay okay come on let's go there's this is really big cave that I found that seems to be untouched " I said turning around and walking to the direction of the cave ranboo was walking behind me I could hear the way his feet crunch on the Dead leaves that have fallen from the trees

" Soo ranboo is there anything else you want to find or do you just want to find amethyst " I asked as we got to the entrance of the cave

" Diamonds could be useful I need to repair some of my armor " the enderman said mumbling to himself

" You know I can get you some diamonds while you find an amethyst cluster " I said leaning a little close to the enderman

" I do not need you to do work for me I am not just some lazy high royal " Ranboo said his tail smacking the back of my head

" Ow okay okay I was just asking " I said rubbing the back of my head " I didn't mean to make it sound like I was just doing it because you were lazy... WHICH! You're not I'm just saying " I said fumbling over my words in the corner of my eye I could see Ranboo stare at me before turning his head looking opposite direction

" It's fine don't worry your little avian head off " ranboo said in a surprisingly soft tone that completely caught me off guard

" It's fine ranboo how about we going to find your amethyst first and collect resources while finding them " I said looking at Ranboo from the corner of my eye

" Sure let's do that " he said pausing for a minute " and if there's enough fully grown crystals I guess... You could have one " ranboo said fiddling with the end of his long black hair

I couldn't help but smile more at him he was actually willing to share with me and he was sharing something that he loved the most too

" Only if you want to share with me ranboo you don't have to just because I helped you find them " I said trying to keep my tone soft but the excitement still spilled through

" Yeah I know that I just thought it would be nice to... Share sneeg says it's nice to do it especially when someone helps you with the thing that you're sharing " Ranboo said rubbing his arm

" Well if you okay with sharing with me if there's enough fully grown amethyst crystals then yeah " I said swinging my pickaxe at some cole that we had found

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