chapter 4 °amethyst° part 2

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Tw: cussing, self-deprecation,
If there's anything else you see pls tell me

°Tommy's pov°

Me and Ranboo have been exploring the cave for a while now we already have everything we need now we're just looking for an amethyst cluster

" *Sight* this is ridiculous we have been in the cave for hours and there is no signs of an amethyst cluster anywhere " Ranboo said now starting to get frustrated

" I know ran maybe there's not one in this cave we can always look for one in other one " I said trying to soothe his frustration

I need to do something I need to keep ranboo happy and show him I'm fun to be around

But right now that's not the case me and ran have been in this cave for 2 hours now we haven't found a single amethyst cluster we've ran into mobs I exploded a creeper once and the bottom of his cape is now singed it's been down right terrible in this cave and if I'm going to be honest I'm starting to get irritated as well

" Ugh I'm starting to regret ever coming on this mining trip in first place " the Enderian said

It hurt me to hear ranboo say that but I knew it was right the only reason Ranboo ever came on this mining trip was to get the amethyst that I promised him

" Don't worry ranboo we can always go to another cave and maybe find one there " I said

He sighted stopping in his tracks making me stop as well

" Why are you so persistent on getting me amethyst anyway " ranboo says softly not looking up to see my face

" Why not? " I asked him a little surprise on how soft spoken he is speaking right now

" you obviously have a reason for helping me find the amethyst " he said

" Well... I just wanted to spend time with you and you've been staying in your cave a lot more now so.... I don't know I just wanted to get you out and explore a bit " I said turning away to hide the light blush of embarrassment that's coming to my face

It was quiet for a while but to me it felt like hours did I do something? did I say something wrong? what if he's upset with me oh prime

" But why...." Ranboo said his voice sounds shaky like he's trying to hold back tears but still trying to sound like his confident self

" Like I said ranboo why not I care about you and you shouldn't stay by yourself for so long don't you get lonely " I said turning back to Ranboo

But I was met with something unexpected I was expecting to see Ranboo staring at me eyes filled with confidence like they always are but I was met with something different something that I thought I wouldn't see

Ranboo's eyes were glossed over tears threatening to fall as he looked at me

" Ran.. are you okay " I asked my voice soft as I walk closer to the Enderian

" I'm Fine I'm fine I just wanted to get out of this cave I don't want to be here anymore " Ranboo said turning his head away from me as tears start to fall

" Ran you're not fine you're crying " I say softly

" I'm not crying I do not need your pity " ranboo said quickly wiping away his tears

" I'm not going to pity you Ranboo I just want to know if you're okay " I said I go and reach for his arm but before I could take it he disappears purple particles are the only thing that's left in his place

I stayed there shocked by what I just saw I have never seen Ranboo like that before that was not the same Ranboo I knew not the same confident Enderian that everyone knew

at that moment Ranboo looked so vulnerable so weak and it made me feel weird

I have to make him feel better and that's what I'm going to do I'm going to get the amethyst that I promised no matter how long it'll take me

°Ranboo's pov°

Once I got out of that cave and into my own I collapse to the floor and cried

Why does Tommy have to be so nice why does he have to care about me what did I ever do to deserve the concern that he shows me

I don't deserve it I don't deserve any of it I don't deserve the pity I don't deserve the care or concern that he shows me

I'm nothing but a worthless and pathetic excuse for Prince

But tommy looks at me with so much love and care in his eyes he looks at me like I'm important like I'm the Prince that I was supposed to be

I don't know how long I sat on the floor and cried but honestly I didn't care I knew that the tears would singe my skin and leave marks and scars that would never recover but I didn't care I just wanted to cry I haven't cried in months since I've been here why is it now why is it when Tommy shows his concern for my will being that it makes me cry

Once I had no more tears left to cry I sat on the floor I didn't feel like getting up didn't feel like moving I felt so tired and I probably look pathetic

I was planning on just sitting there not doing anything but there was a knock on the door I wanted to ignore it I really did because what if it was Tommy what if he was coming to check on me but if he was coming to ask why I teleported and left him in that cave by himself

But then again it could be someone else so reluctantly I picked myself up off the floor not bothering to put on makeup to hide the fact that I was crying and opened my door

I was expecting there to be a person but there wasn't on the floor in front of my door was a chest with a note on top of it

I picked up the note and it read

' To ranboo


I know you probably don't want to see me right now but I found something I think you would really like I also wanted to say sorry if I upset you in any way

I would say it in person but like I said you probably don't want to see me so I left this instead I hope you like it

You're hopefully friend tommy '

Once I finished reading the note I opened the chest and they are sitting in it where amethyst a lot of amethyst

I wanted to cry again I wanted to scream and yell but I didn't I just sat there staring at them and I felt a small smile come to my face

" Thank you " I whispered


This is a long one if I'm going to be honest I feel like this chapter was all over the place but then again I don't really care

Not good with writing angst so I'm not sure if this was good or not but I hope you enjoyed it

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