°Chapter 8: A lesson from sneeg°

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Hi sorry it took so long for this chapter to get out but I hope you enjoy it


Part one

°Ranboo's pov°

"Come on ranboo it won't be that bad" Sneeg said from where he sat on my shoulder.

"I just don't understand why I have to be there. I don't like going to the pub(e)" I said as I crossed my arms.

"It's the community's annual dinner, everyone's going to be there and it would be weird if you didn't come" Sneeg said. His wings give a little flutter.

"And this is going to be your first community dinner how are you not excited!" Sneeg continued

"What does one even do at a community dinner other than eat" I asked.

As we get closer to the pub(e) I can see others going as well. Fundy and Charlie seem to be racing each other.

Philza and Wilbur are flying their way up each holding Tommy's hand helping him fly up on his feeble wings as well.

Nikki was seen swimming through her grotto and going up the waterfall Tubbo flying right beside her.

I couldn't see where the others were so I assumed they were already in the pub(e).

"A lot of things happen at the annual dinner. Everyone tells stories or interesting things that happened before they came to the community or while they're in the community. It's mainly Philza or Techno though that tells stories outside the community, those two have the most interesting stories."

Sneeg says as he starts flying on his own "I'll see you up in the pub(e) Ranboo."

I nodded and waved as he flew to the pub(e).

I sigh and continue my walk. I don't understand the reasoning for this it seems stupid and unnecessary.

The only good thing that could really come out of this is spending more time with Tommy or Sneeg but even then I'm not sure even they couldn't keep me from getting bored.

But a Sneeg says these annual community dinners are interesting then I guess it's worth a shot.

To be continued


Hi I know this chapter is short but I decided to give you something because you've waited for so long I hope you enjoy it and I'll try to get the second part out to this as soon as I can


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