°Chapter 9: A lesson from sneeg°

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Part two

So I'm going to be focusing on one story at a time, so my other story will not be updated until this one is complete.

I hope you understand, I'm just doing this so I can get one story done, and because I feel like having multiple stories and needing to have chapters done for all of them is going to get me stressed and make me not want to write anymore, which I don't want.

Writing is something I do for fun, so when I'm writing I expect for it to be fun and enjoyable not exhausting and stressful.

I also will be deleting the chapters that aren't a part of the stories, like the chapters talking about my Hiatus and stuff like that. so that the story is just one story and not filled with random chapters.

Anyways, thank you for coming to my TED talk. Enjoy the chapter :)

°Third's Pov°

After everyone made it to the pub(e), they all got settled some sitting at the bar counter while others were scattered across, sitting at random tables that were set up.

Ranboo sat at a table in a corner by himself. his arms crossed over his chest, a scowl planted on his face.

He was by himself for the most part, no one acknowledged him more than a simple hi a wave or smile.

After a while maybe about 10 minutes, Sneeg came over carrying a piece of bread that was way too big for his body and setting it down on a plate that was in front of Ranboo.

"Here you are Mr broody" Sneeg says. Landing on the table.

"Don't call me 'Mr broody'" Ranboo says. "And what is that?"

Ranboo pointed to the piece of bread Sneeg had put on his plate.

"Oh! Nikki made that. her pastries are sooo delicious" Sneeg says, breaking a small piece of of the loaf and eating eating it.

Ranboo stared down at the bread for a moment and thought what the heck, can't be that bad if Sneeg likes it, and took a bite.

The bread was warm and soft it tasted a bit sweet, not an overbearing sweetness but one that gives you enough kick that tells you it's not a normal piece of bread.

To say that Ranboo enjoyed it was an understatement. It was nothing he had ever tasted before, maybe it was because all that was in the end was chorus fruit.

"It's good ain't it" Sneeg says. Ranboo nodded, stuffing his mouth full of bread.

Sneeg laughed "I can tell. If you like it so much you can go ask Nikki for another one."

"Why can't you ask for me?" Ranboo says.

"Because I'm not the one who wants more bread, and besides what was the first thing I told you" Sneeg says, giving the teen an expecting look.

Ranboo sighs. He hates when Sneeg did this, always reverting him back to the lessons that Sneeg said they needed to work on when they became friends.

"Be nice and make friends" Ranboo muttered.

"Exactly and this is the perfect chance to make a new friend. I mean from what I've heard you and Tommy already friends right?" Sneeg asked.

"I guess you can say me and Tommy are friends" Ranboo says, begrudgingly.

"Well then this is a time for you to make another one and Nikki's super nice"

"Now off you go. remember, be nice and try to make friends" Sneeg says, shooing the boy away with his hands.

Ranboo lets out another sigh and gets up from a seat, walking over to the bar counter where Nikki and a few others were.

"Oh! Hello Ranboo" Nikki says as the boy got closer. Nikki was sat in a little tub of water with wheels on the bottom. Making it so that she could be pushed around throughout the pub(e) without needing to be stationary in her tank.

"Give me another piece of bread" Ranboo says.

Nikki raised her eyebrow giving Ranboo a look he would almost call motherly.

"No I won't be giving you anything until you ask the correct way" Nikki says. her voice leaving no space for argument.

Ranboo was baffled. he wasn't used to people not doing what he wanted.

"Wha- Nikki, give me another piece of bread" Ranboo whined now sounding like a child.

"No" Nikki said simply, still giving him that motherly look.

Ranboo sighed and that's when he remembered what he and Sneeg talked about before he came over here he was supposed to be nice and make friends not enemies.

"Can I get another piece of bread... please" Ranboo said quietly as if not wanting anyone to hear but her.

Nikki smiles and says just as quietly "Sure give me a minute I'll bring one right over to you"

Ranboo nodded and walked back to a seat, feeling embarrassed but happy he got what he wanted.

"So how'd it go?" Sneeg asked once Ranboo sat down.

"Nikki's getting me another piece of bread" Ranboo says, a small smile on his face. "She said she'd come over and give it to me when she was done"

Sneeg smiled "That's good anything else happen"

"Well there was a bit of trouble at first but after that everything went well. I even told her please" Ranboo says proudly, speaking as if he won an award.

Sneeg smiled even more and shook his head "Well at least you said please"


This is the end of this chapter do not worry this is not the end of the annual dinner the next chapter will be all about storytelling.

Maybe Ranboo will tell a story or two of his own. Who knows.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day/night/evening.


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