°chapter 5: A gift°

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° Tommy's pov °

It's been a couple of days since I've seen Ranboo and I'm freaking out about it

" I don't understand why you're so panicked about this Tommy " Tubbo said picking a few flowers

" You don't understand tubs he was crying like there was tears falling from his eyes and when I went to comfort him he just disappeared " I said " I mean I gave him some amethyst and hope that would make him feel better but it's been DAYS " I said falling back and hitting the soft grass under me

" Tommy this is exactly why I'm telling you to not worry about it Ranboo is a Moody Prince I'm sure the whole crying thing was just an act for you to find him amethyst "

" Tubbo how could you say that " I said sitting up off the ground and staring at tubbo in disbelief

" I'm just saying Tommy you know how Ranboo is " he said turning around to look at me

" Sill Tubbo that was mean " I said crossing my arms

In the distance I see fundy come running over to us on all fours with a bag in the mouth

" Sup guys " fundy said standing up on two legs while taking the bag out of his mouth

" Hey what you steal this time " Tubbo asked

" I didn't steal anything just collecting berries and such " the fox said

" Hey.. uhh do you perhaps know where ranboo might be " I asked rubbing the back of my head

" Oh He's actually looking for you right now but last I saw him he was heading back to his cave " fundy said before putting the bag back in his mouth and running to his burrow and all fours again

" Tommy you're not actually going to see- " Tubbo started before getting cut off by me " Bye tubs see you later "

I said getting up and running to Ranboo's cave

I would have been asking why he would be looking for me but right now in that moment it didn't really cross my mind Ranboo was looking for me like actually trying to seek me out because of something

And I was curious on what he wanted from me

Soon as I make it to Ranboo's cave I knock on his door and not a second later he opens it

" Oh.. uh tommy " ranboo said surprised to see me at his door

" Hey big man I heard you were looking for me " I said smiling at him

" You did..umm okay " ranboo said sounding a little awkward

" Is it about the cave thing that happened... because if so then I'm so sorry that I made you upset " I said

" No no it's not about that I... actually wanted to give... you something " ranboo said turning his head and putting his hand behind his neck

" Oh! You do " I asked surprise that the Enderian wanted to give me

" Yes just wait here " ranboo said turning around but not shutting the door and walking further into his cave searching for something

Once he found what he was searching for he turned around and came back to the door and in His hands was a small box

" I wanted to repay you for the amethyst so I made this " he said shoving the box in my hands while turning his head a purple blush spreading across his face

I look down at the box for a bit before opening it and inside it was a beautiful amethyst necklace that I couldn't help but blush at

" I don't know if your jewelry person so if you're not I can give you something else but.... I made that for you as a thanks for the amethyst " he said

I Stared at the jewelry for a minute before going to ranboo and giving him a hug that he obviously didn't expect

" Thank you Ranboo thank you so much this is lovely " I said my wings puffing up a bit and my bird brain screaming flock

Ranboo sat there for a minute his arms in the air not sure what to do before softly wrapping them around me

We stayed there for a few minutes and I feel Ranboo tail wrap around my ankle

We stay like that for bit longer before pulling away from each other Ranboo tail stays wrapped around my ankle though

" I'm glad you like it I was.. afraid you weren't going to " the Enderian said looking down and rubbing his arm

" Why wouldn't I like this it's amazing ranboo thank you " I said

Me and ranboo stared at each other for a bit blush becoming visible on both of our faces before we turned away from each other and look in opposite directions

" Would you um.. do you want to come in " ranboo said softly

I turned my head looking at him again " is the ranboo letting me stay at his place " I said

" I am not letting you stay I'm just inviting you in is all " ranboo said his voice becoming confident again

" Do you want to stay or not because if you don't want to then I'm shutting my door in your face " he said unraveling his tail for my ankle and stepping back into his cave like house placing his hand on his door

" No no I want to stay, I want to stay " I said

" Fine then come inside don't make me regret this " ranboo said stepping aside while letting me entice the cave

All I did was laugh a bit and the rest of the day I hung out with him the entire time he was speaking softly he still sounded confident but not the stuck up confident that he always sounds like

And the excitement and happiness that was flowing through my body seeing him like this was exciting

" Just to set things straight we are not friends I'm just doing this out of the kindness of my heart " Ranboo said crossings his arms

" Of course ran whatever you say " I said laughing


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