chapter 2 °the avian°

599 21 4

Tw: cussing, self-deprecation
Bold words are spoken in ender

°Ranboo's pov°

I woke up from the dream again the same damn dream that I've been having since I got into the overworld the one thing that keeps reminding me how worthless I am how worthless the ender dragon saw me.

I could feel tears running down my face slightly burning my skin as they traveled down, leaving a faint scar marks as they go

I hate the days I have that dream because after that dream, all I ever do is just stay in my amethyst cave, not leaving until I have enough energy to actually go out

Usually I never get that energy that I wait for and I just end up staying in my cave the entire day and then coming out the next but of course that was not the case as I heard the door knock and a very loud Ranboo come from the other side of the door

I knew exactly who it was by The voice and by how loudly they were expressing themselves it was Tommy a red-winged avian who was very determined to becoming my friend no matter how many times I told him I wanted nothing to do with him

That's how a lot of people were actually in this little community some trying to be my friend others trying to be acquaintances and some just don't seem to care if I'm friends or not with them just as long as I don't do something to get on their bad side they're good with me being around and not talking to them

The only person I actually became friends with was a little inchliung named Sneeg

Now me and sneeg became friends on accident, though Tommy, on the other hand, wants to become friends on purpose, and that's not something that I quite agree with

" What does Tommy possibly want it is way too early in the morning for this " I said as I reluctantly got out of bed and put on my clothing I didn't bother putting on my jewelry or doing my hair or even put on makeup to hide the scars that my tears made and if I'm going to be completely honest when I pass the mirror I look like a sleep deprived rich person and if I'm being honest again I was

" What is it, Tommy?" I said as I yanked the door open

" Can't understand you bitch " Tommy said crossing his arms staring at me but avoiding eye contact

I gron to myself and realize that of course, tommy doesn't know ender the only bird that knows ender is Phil

" What do you want Tommy " I say looking down at the boy

" Well before I tell you what I actually came here for are you okay cuz you look like shit man " Tommy said his voice laced with concern

" I am perfectly fine tommy I'm just not a morning person I've told you this before " I said now starting to get irritated I didn't need his pity nor his sympathy I don't deserve to have someone concerned about me

" Okay okay no need to get mad at me " Tommy says as he's noticed my irritation

" If you don't want me to get mad and I suggest you tell me why you decide to wake me up so early in the morning " I said crossing my arms

" Well Phil said that I'm not allowed to go mining until i having another person there since the caves are a lot bigger " Tommy said shuffling a little " and well I was wondering maybe.....You would come with me " Tommy said fiddling with the ends of his sleeves

" Why would I want to go on a mining trip with you Tommy " I said in a harsh tone

" I promise it'll be super worth it I'm going down there to find diamonds and stuff so maybe if we're lucky enough we can find you an amethyst cluster " Tommy said

I sigh " fine Tommy I'll come with you just wait a minute and let me get ready " I said going to close the door before Tommy stopped me

" You don't have to get ready now I'm not planning on leaving until this afternoon so you can just go back to sleep if you want "

I looked at Tommy and sighed

" Fine just come and get me when you're ready to go " I said my voice going a little soft

" Alrighty then I'll come back to get you when I'm ready to go " Tommy said a smile never leaving his face

" Yes, yes, yes, yes now leave and get that stupid smile off your face " I said to Tommy as I close the door

' I swear to God that stupidly sweet avian is going to be the death of me ' I thought to myself as I flopped down on my bed and going back to sleep and instant


This is short but I don't care hope you enjoyed

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