°chapter 7: Flowers°

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Tw: cussing (But other than that this is just pure fluff)

° Tommy's pov °

" Tubbo! Tub were are you? " I yell

" what do you want Tommy " I heared tubbo say as he flew down

" I need your help with something important " I said " ok what is it? " tub said

" I need your help with find a flower " I said starting to feel blush spread across my face

" a flower for what? " tub said " well I want to get ranboo a gift he had got me one and I wanted to repay him " I said

" ok, ok fine " tubbo said " Really tubs " I asked smiling at him " a sure what type of flowers do you want " tubbo asked me

" Alliums that's the ones I want " I said

" alliums are you sure Tommy i don't think those grow around here " tubbo said

" please tubs can you look for me " I said giving him the best puppy dog eyes I could manage

" fine but you owe me after this " Tubbo said flying to the forest

" thanks tubbo! " I yelled " Tommy, phil and wilbur need you up in the pub(e) " Scott said as he and Captain sparkles walked by

" Okay " I said and made my way to the pub(e)

○Time skip brought to you by your lazy author○

" TOMMY!!! " I heard tubbo yell from the bottom of the pub(e) " WHAT! " I yelled back " I GOT WHAT YOU NEEDED! " Tubbo said

As I was about to respond techno grabbed me by the back of my shirt and lifted me off the ground " if you yell one more time I'm going to kill you " techno said looking me dead in the eyes

" ok gezz now put me down you grumpy bunny " I said rolling my eyes

" I'm not a bunny I'm a rabbit " techno said " same thing now put me down " I said " oh ok then I guess since a bunny and a rabbit are the same thing then a chicken and avian are the same " techno said dropping me to the ground

" I AM NOT A FUCKING CHICKEN " I yelled " PHILLLLLL TECHNO CALLED ME A CHICKEN " I yelled getting up from the ground

" techno don't call Tommy a chicken! " phil said slightly yelling from where he sat on top of one of the beams in the pub(e)

" he called me a bunny " techno said  Crossing his arms and turning his head in the opposite direction and a childish manner

" Tommy don't call techno a bunny " phil said not taking his eyes away from his book

" fine whatever i have to go meet tubbo anyways " I said and left the pub(e)

" hey tubs " I said getting to the bottom of the pub(e) " what took you so long " tubbo said

" I was dealing with techno " I said " oh ok well here are your flowers " tubbo said handing me alliums

" thanks tubs you the best! " I said grabbing the flowers " now all I need to do is find ranboo " I said

" last I saw him was at his cave " tubbo said pointing towards the Enderian's cave

" thanks tubs I owe you one " I said running to Ranboo's cave

Once I got there I hid the flowers behind my back and knocked on the door to my surprise it opened  immediately

" oh Tommy what are you doing here " ranboo said looking a little nervous

" oh I have something for you " I said now started to get nervous myself " oh really well I have something for you two " ranboo said opening his door all the way

" you do? " I asked a little surprised " yeah "

" ok well you go first " ranboo said sounding nervous again

" ok well " I stop and took a deep breath " here " I said showing ranboo the flowers " there alliums there my favorite flower so I thought you might like them "

Ranboo sat there for a minute just staring then he stared laughing this made me nervous and confused

Did he not like the flowers oh who am I kidding his a prince of course he doesn't like the flowers

" Tommy I love the flowers " ranboo  suddenly said " huh what " I said looking at ranboo " you where  Mumbling to yourself  " ranboo said making me blush from  Embarrassment

" what if you like the flowers then why where you laughing? " I asked

Ranboo just giggled more and showed me what was behind his back it was a flower crown made of allium flowers

" these are my favorite flowers so I  thought you might like them " Ranboo said giving me a small smile

I giggled " I guess we both had the same idea then " I said " I guess so " ranboo replied

" hey you want to hangout with me for a bit sneegs out on a mining trip with Scott and Beau"  (I think that how you spell it) ranboo said

" sure why not " I said with a smile

Today was a good day

So I've been postponing this chapter for a while now and I thought it would be cute to post it on Valentine's Day so here you'll go

  Eat up my darlings Your Guardian has fed you

Anyways I really hope you enjoy and sorry for not posting for so long


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