°Chapter 10: Childhood Stories°

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°Third's Pov°

The Pub(e) was still full of life and laughter even as it got into the later hours of the night.

Ranboo, though he wouldn't admit it out loud, was actually having fun, enjoying his time in the pub(e), actually. He actually got to talk to other people besides Tommy and Sneeg.

Nikki was his favorite out of all of them. She was a very stubborn woman, and Ranboo liked that about her. She didn't back talk from anyone.

It was cool to hear all the fun stories and adventures everyone else went on. It was interesting. Ranboo thought it was funny when Techno and Wilbur were out mining. They had gone so deep into the cave that when they came up, they didn't realize it was daytime. And Will walked right into the Sun and started to burn.

Everyone found it funny, everyone, but Wilbur.

He sat on a stool pouting to himself. His leathery wings wrapped around his body and his bonytail, wrapped and his ankle. And saying how it's not funny, and he would have died.

Philza, though, laughing with everyone else. Gently rubbed Will's back, telling him that it was okay and that it happened days ago and he was perfectly fine.

After a while, everything started to settle down. the sun, longer in the sky. And the cool night air slowly comes through the open windows.

"Hey, Ranboo?" Jack says, sitting up in his little pool of lava. Ranboo looked over his tail, swinging lazily in back-and-forth motions.

"Everyone here has told at least one story, everyone, but you, since you're basically our guest of honor and it being your first and annual dinner and everything. why don't you tell us one?"

Raboo's pointed ears flat against his head. He didn't have any stories to tell. nothing interesting. He had spent most of his time in his cave, sulking.

But that wouldn't be something interesting to tell. That would just be sad, and then people would start to worry for him. And he didn't want their pity.

"Oh, I haven't done much. I've just been spending my time in my cave. Nothing interesting," Ranboo says, leaning back into his seat. His tail now curled around his ankle in his own little self comforting way.

"Could we hear a story from your past?" Scot asked.

This had gotten a gasp out of Tubbo. The little bee leaped into the air, his wings fluttering quickly to keep him afloat, and he flew over the Ranboo, getting almost in his face.

"Yeah! Tell us about the end!" Tubbo says excitingly, his body seemingly buzzing with interest. The smile on his face doesn't falter, even as Techno walks over, grabbing the bee by his leg and pulling him away from Ranboo's face.

"I heard that the only way to get out of the end is to kill the ender dragon. That's the only way the portal opens up, right?"

Tubbo says as Techno forces him to sit back down.

"Yes, killing her Highness is a way to open the portal, but she herself can also open the portal as well." Ranboo says, uncomfortably shifting in a seat.

He didn't want to talk about this. He didn't want to remember what her Highness had done to him. How could she exile him? He was trying his best. He did everything she asked him to, and yet she got rid of him like he was......nothing.

Sneeg, perhaps seeing how stiff he was, patted him on the shoulder. " It's okay, buddy, you don't have to talk about that. Do you remember anything that happened in childhood?"

"Well, when I was younger, there was this one time where her Highness had sent me to get fruit. I was still young and didn't know how to teleport properly yet, so when I did, I ended up teleporting to a floating island that was miles away from the main one."

Ranboo could recall that memory. When he was young, he was scared and frightened because he didn't know how to get back. He didn't know how far he was. So, instead of collecting fruit like her Highness had told him, he sat underneath one of the trees that held their precious fruit and cried.
Burning his face and leaving streaks.

He would have sat there crying for all eternity that was until another ender man, an older one, perhaps one that was sent to gather fruit like him had seen him, picked him up, and took him back to the main island.

After Ranboo had told Little snip it of his childhood, everyone else started doing it. first, it was Jack saying how when he was younger.

He had not yet properly knew how to shoot out fireballs.When he was 10, he had laughed too hard and accidentally shot one out.

then Phil said how when his wings first grew in, he had the urge to leap out of the nest or any high place that he could find.

He said his parents were very good at keeping an eye on him. Making sure he wouldn't climb on a high place and leap off because his wings were still growing in. And were not yet big enough to hold his weight or fly for that matter.

Then Techno, who had surprisingly hated carrots when he was younger. He told that his hatred was so great when he was young that he refused to even acknowledge that carrots existed.

It was fun hearing all the funny stories from everyone's childhood. It felt good to laugh with everyone. It felt good to smile. It felt good to feel safe and comfort it with everyone's presents. Ranboo couldn't help but let his guard down. It wasn't much, but it was more than he would ever let down around anyone.

Finally, after everyone had told their stories, it was time for a night reast.
Everyone got up from their sets stretching and groaning from sitting down for too long.

Good nights were said as everyone exited the pub(e).

Ranboo walked along the cobblestone path that led to his cave as he thought back to everything that happened at the annual dinner.

Even though Ranboo wouldn't admit it, he enjoyed himself.

Rambo smiled to himself. How funny to think that he enjoyed himself, had fun, around the people he had despised, not even a week earlier.

Ranboo couldn't help but laugh himself. How ironic.


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