II: Next

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You and Leone have become, friends. Which was a big surprise for you, because you didn't think you'd have friends, definitely not an adult, who was an office at that.

He would treat you to food and hang with you during his brake times. Leone wanted to introduce you to his partner, but didn't. He had this feeling that he should just keep things as they are.

You started to open up a little more to him, the first time you actually genuinely smiled and laughed was when he fell on his ass when he slipped on a banana peel on the ground. He really did like seeing your smile, due to you not really smiling, just a shit eating grin sometimes and a mocking laugh.

Leone would buy you things and you would try to refuse, but it's hard to refuse a gift from him when he practically has stars in his eyes when giving you the present.

The two of you have been friends for. . . A year now, but it's starting to seem like a sibling relationship. Leone's usual smile slowly went away. He was more quite then usual and it was now only you telling stores.

"Y/n. . . " Leone spoke as you were eating. The two of you at the same abandoned bus stop. You deemed it as the hang out spot for the two of you.

You looked up at him to show you were listening. He stared at you for a moment and put his hand on your head. His stare became serious, causing you to be slightly nervous

"I- . . . Your. . . *sigh* Y/n you wouldn't lie to me right?" His question sounded very easy to answer, but giving a truthful answer was hard.

You didn't really answer, but he didn't really give you time to answer. His hand that was on your head slid down to your shoulder
"I really care for you. And I need to know that your safe. So tell me, are your parents. . . Treating you right?"

Well that was an unexpected question

You were silent and his grip on your shoulder loosened up as he waited for an answer, trying to see what your reaction was. But your face was blank you got up and started to walk away.

"Wait! Y/n get back here!" He caught up to you easily. He grabbed you and turned you to him. Both hands on your shoulders now.
"Y/n. Come on, tell me. Please you can tell me." His grip on you tightened.

You didn't answer him. He shook you a little, begging for you to tell him how it was at home.

You slowly grabbed his hands and took them away from your shoulders.
You then, unexpectedly to Leone, hugged him. He hugged back without thinking.

You then pulled away and pat his head. He was still confused. Why wouldn't you say anything??

" Leone, would you ever. . . leave me. Forget me?"

Leone was about to speak, wanting to object to what she said. That is until a voice spoke over the inner com.

Talking about a robbery.

"You should go. I gotta go home anyways. . . " You mumbled while staring down at the ground. Avoiding any eye contact with the man. Leone frowns at the bad timing

You didn't know why you didn't just lie and say everything was alright. He just wanted to help. Leone was one of the good ones, so why didn't you, just tell the truth





Oh, you can't. How can you tell the truth, when you don't even remember what the truth was.

But you did still feel guilty, he's been so kind to you, always taking care of you. Feeding you, even going as far to buy you some clothes or stuffed a animal.

You were on the old worn out bed you have been sleeping on for a while now. You reached under the bed and pulled out a small used bag. You fished out a metal box and set it on your lap. You pulled out a key that was hanging around your neck.

You opened up the box and there, was a bunch of cash, and a few other things. But that's not important right now.

She pulled the cash out and closed the box. She put it where she got it from and got off the bed
'He's gotten me a lot of stuff, why not get him something?' You thought to yourself.

You quickly went to a store before they all close, get something just for him.


It was night time now, you were walking happily down the street, a small bag in hand.

You were happy with your gift. You were worried he wouldn't like it though.

As you were walking, you heard a commotion going down in a store that was still open. Yet the lights were out.
You friend, guessing it was a robbery, not wanting to get caught in it. That is until she heard a familiar voice sounding like a scream and a gun shot

'Leone!?' Panic surged through you as you tried to quickly run into the shop, just to see a police man on the ground. It wasn't Leone, but his partner

"Y/N!" You heard Leone's voice, you turned to see Leone, he was okay, he wasn't hurt. A smile graced your face, happy to see he was okay.

You were running twords him, ready to hug him. You were so distracted by your joy, you didn't notice the man behind Leone, aiming the gun twords you.


It was as if time slowed down for both you and Leone. Leone reached his arms out to catch you.

The both of you landed on the ground, he was talking, but you couldn't clearly hear him. You were in shock, you couldn't process nor did you process or even notice Leone shooting the man who shot you.

You were gasping for air, near your chest was burning. It hurt, dear God it hurt, but you were too weak to say anything
"Y/n, come on kid hang on. Just hold on for a moment okay??" Leone was panicked, he was trying to stop the bleeding, but the blood just kept coming.

"Bag. . . The bag. . . " you finally spoke.
Leone didn't question and grabbed the bag. Whatever you wanted, what ever you want, he would do at that moment. He just wanted you to be okay.

"For you. . . For you." Your eyes felt heavy. You wanted to sleep so bad.

"Hey! No no no, No! Stay awake. Please Y/n, don't leave me. Don't you dare!" His pleading was useless. You couldn't feel the pain anymore and grew limp.

Now all you were was a lifeless little thing in his arms.

Your eyes widen as you gasped for air. The bullet in your chest popped out. Your eyes darting around to scan your surroundings.

"What. . . Where am I?" You spoke confused. You then finally noticed the blood that was all over you.

You were still confused and very much conflicted. Suddenly the sound of sirens could be heard

"Shit!" You cursed as you scrambled to get up, almost slipping on the blood. You booked it out of the store.

Only one thing on your mind

'Why the hell was I there?'

𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚 (JJBA Pt 5 x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now