IX: Strike one

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You poked at your food. Hearing both your fathers talking. But not really listening.

"Okay, we're leaving now baby. Love you." Sorbet said as he and Gelato kissed your head.

Your gloomy self disappears and is replaced with a smile.
"Kay, love you! Be safe!"

You smiled till they left the house. You sighed and slumped into your chair. You threw your uneaten food into the trash and drank your juice up, hoping for something sweet. But received nothing but a bitter after taste.

You gripped hard on your cup. Remembering what happened a few weeks ago

"Y/n!" Mista came running to you after you pushed Tanya's body off from you.

You quickly got up and hugged him. He held you tightly. You were crying even after what you had wanted came true.

Mista cupped your face and tried to shush you and whisper little words to sooth you. But that wouldn't help. He knew it wouldn't help.

Soon you both heard sirens.

"Shit. . . Y/n. Come on!" He pulled you out of the ally and you two began to run.

You two ran to a park that didn't have much people there. You were panting, sitting on the bench while shaking like a leif. You felt your breathing increasing. So fast to the point were you felt like you couldn't breath at all.

It scared you. You wanted it to stop. Why wouldn't it stop!?

"Y/n. Y/n look at me." Mista was kneeling in front of you as he cupped your face.
"Your having a panic attack right now. Breath, okay? Do it with me."

You nod a little, and start to breath with him as you two held hands. It was working. You were breathing normally.

Once you calmed down, Mista gave out a sigh and let a minute pass before braking it to you.

"Y/n. . . I just killed someone- I killed multiple people before I even came to you." It was hard for him to say what he's about to say.

His jaw clenched and gripped her hands and try not to look into her big
E/c eyes.

But he had to look into her eyes. He didn't want to be seen as a coward, especially to you.

"I can't be around you anymore. After tonight. We can never see each other."

Your  face instantly went sour.

"What? Wait- no what are you-"

"If you stick with me you'll get in trouble!" He grips on to your shoulders as he pulled you more down to him

"I don't care! You can't leave me! You can't!" You shout as you were ready to cry once more.

Jeez. You really are a crybaby.

"I CARE!" He snapped at you. Yelling at you, something he has never done. Something he, himself never thought he would be doing, leaving you, included.

Mista left your life after that.
What was the use of having friends, if you'll either have to leave them, or be left by them?

You minus well have no friends at all.

After that night, you realized how much of a crybaby you were. How many times you've cried instead of actually doing something.

You were like a ghost right now at the moment. Moving around the house. Doing nothing but moping around.

𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚 (JJBA Pt 5 x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now