VI: Good Feeling

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Sorry this was a lil late hope y'all like this one💜

"Oh my God what happened to you!?"
Sorbet shouted when he finally realized the young girls wounds.

He cupped yout face and started to freak out even more the more he saw what condition you were in.

"I g-got into a fight. . . I did it to protect someone though!" You were quick to defend the fact you got into a fight.

The two men glance at each other and back at you. Sorbe picked you off from the ground and looked to Gelato, who nodded.

You hugged Sorbe tightly and enjoyed the warm embrace. You did slightly pull away when you noticed that Sorbe was now walking away from the orphanage.

You didn't question but you did wonder what was happening.

Sorbe opens the back door to a car and set you down In the seat. He knelt down to speak at your level
"Y/n, me and Gelato got papers to adopt you. Gelato is giving the papers to the caretaker right now and getting your things."

You blocked out Sorbe's voice. You couldn't believe it. They wanted you?

"Y/n? Honey? You okay?" Sorbe spoke, worried when you weren't responding.

"You promise?" You spoke in a low voice. Staring down at the ground, still in your thoughts.

You could tell by the silence he didn't understand what you meant by that.

You looked up at him with teary eyes while slightly trembling
"P-promise you won't actually leave me this time!"

Sorbe was taken aback by this, but smiled softly
'She's a crybaby' He chuckled at his thought and cupped you face and gave you a kiss on your head.



Abbacchio stared down at the broken watch with a blank expression.

He looked up and stared put the window for a moment. Only to see nothing but trees and birds coming and going.

He sighed as he put the broken watch on his wrist.

He was still think of a certain child that he grew fond of over a year. Just for her to die in her arms because of his stupid actions.

He kept the watch she gave him, even though it was broken, he kept it. It was a reminder for him.

After the night of the incident, he kept tabs on the news. And just to find out that your body was missing. He searched your name for a birth certificate, school enrollment. Family.

But he came up with nothing.

It was as if Y/n Rossie never existed.

Abbacchio thought back on his memories with you. Was it all. . . Fake? Was he seeing things?

No. That can't be! It was all too real.
His time with you could never be an illusion.

He stared back down at the watch and carressed it fondly. If your body was gone. Then, you had to be alive, right?.

If there was no grave, there was no need to greave for your death. Only that you were lost.

1 year later

Gelato and Sorbe were the best parents you could have ever asked for.

They would be gone a lot due to their job though. You don't ask them what their job is, they don't want to talk about it anyway so why bring it up.

𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚 (JJBA Pt 5 x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now