IV: New Friends

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You ran after the person, he looked so familiar. You don't know why but you had a feeling you knew him.

You finally caught up to him and grabbed his hand.
"Sir!" The man turned around.

"Huh, what do you want kid?" The man asked. You stared at him for a moment. You frowns, trying to find the words. But couldn't
"S-sorry. I thought you were someone else" you lied, you had a feeling deep down that this person was familiar. You turned around, and walked away.

The man had a small frown as be watched you leave.

"Sorbe, what's the matter?" Another man came up to his partner.
"Oh, uh. That kid, she just mistook me for someone else." The dark haired make, Sorbe said as he pointed to the little girl who was next to the post light with a small frown.

"Oh. What did you say to her? She looks like she's about to cry." The other said as he crossed his arms.
"Wha- I didn't say anything mean okay." Sorbe said to defend himself. Well, at least he hoped he didn't say anything mean.

"Anyway, let's get back on topic." The other man said with a small smile, Sorbe frowns slightly.
"No. Don't you think having a house seperate from the others is enough? Having a child is just too much of an over step, Gelato." Gelato kept trying to convince his partner for a child for months now.

The two were assassins. They were currently in a gang and belonged to a group called La Squeadra. The whole group shared a place with each other, but the two assassins moved out and started to live two different lives.

A life of murder and money, and one of quite and peace with love.

But Gelato wanted more. And that was a child. A peaceful life with nothing but love always involves a child. So why not?

But Sorbe doesn't want to risk it. What if the boss finds out about their little secret life? What if the child gets involved? That's something that he most definitely doesn't want to risk.

"I know. Can we just at least check the orphanage out?" Gelato asked.
"I'll think about it." Sorbe mumbled. Sorbe then went on a different subject, the two staying in the same place whole talking.

Gelato caught a glimpse of the little girl Sorbe was talking about. She looked so confused and lost, it was cute.

He watched as she started to cross the rode. Suddenly, a truck started to zoom its way twords her, showing no signs of stopping

"Hey! Look out!"

ʕ ·ᴥ·ʔ

Your head was pounding. The pain was already making you cry without you knowing.

"She's waking up!" A voice spoke.

You heard voices and other noises. But you focused more on the sound of your breathing.

"She's none responsive. She's losing a lot of blood!" Another voice spoke.

Still, you focused on your breathing. You were doing so well. Until you felt them take the key around your neck away.

"No" you spoke as you tried to reach for it.

"She's speaking!"

"Hey sweetie, tell us your name. What's your name."

You ignored the questions and kept your eyes on the key that was getting further away from you. Frustrated, you tried to get up and get your key back. But you couldn't move.

When you tried again, your breathing became shallow. Suddenly, everything went black.


Gelato and Sorbe were in the waiting room, Gelato wasn't able to make it in time to try and push the girl away but the truck did stop, but not on time. The truck still hit her.

"Hello, you two are here for the young girl that was just brought in. Right?"
A doctor said as he entered the waiting room

"Ah, yes." Sorbe said as he walked up to the doctor, Gelato following behind.

"Is she alright?" Gelato spoke, slightly worried.

"Well, she had flat lined at one point, but we were able to jump her back in." The doctor said with a small smile.

Gelato let out a breath that he hadn't know he was holding in. Sorbe nods
"She is still asleep. She won't be able to have visitors 2 days after she wakes. But she is still available to have visitors after 3 days" The doctor left after explaining a few more things.

Gelato and Sorbe didn't see the harm in visiting after three days. And the days after that, and the weeks after that.

"Do you think she's an orphan?" Gelato asked as he moved a strand of hair from your face.
"Huh?. . . Well, she has to be. The doctor said no family has stepped up to claim her." Sorbe mumbled as he was sitting next to Gelato while reading through a book.

Sorbe smiled a little as he looked to Gelato he was about to speak but was cut off when the two heard groaning and movement from the bed you were on.

"What. . . Where. . .?" You were awake.

"Oh shit!" Gelato freaked out and tripped and fell backwards on his chair. He quickly got up and went back to his spot next to you.

Sorbe fetched the doctor and nurses.


"Do you feel any pain else where?" The doctor asked as he was shining light at you eyes.

"No." You spoke bluntly.

"Okay, last question. Do you remember anything else before the accident?" The doctor asked.

You frown and shake your head. The doctors face turnd serious for a second then went back to his normal smile.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Y/n. . . " you said your name hesitantly. Something told you not to say your last name. As there might not be much good that will come out of it.

"Okay. Well, your going to stay here at the hospital just a little longer, Y/n. Okay?" You nod as the doctor signal both Gelato and Sorbe out the room.

ʕ·ᴥ·˵ ʔ

You stayed in the bed for a long while. You don't remember that much, just your name. Where you currently live, and that you have this power called Hamon. Nothing else.

"Are you excited? Your finally leaving this place." Gelato said as he ruffled your head. You smiled and nod. Both Gelato and Sorbe have been visiting, and you liked to think they have now become your friends.

"Yea." You had a small forced smile. You were going to have to live in the orphanage. You were of course not planning to stay there for long.

"Okay, come on we gotta drop her off." Sorbe spoke. Waiting for the two by the door. The three walked out the hospital while you waved and thanked the nurses and the doctors who took care of you.

You were following Gelato and Sorbe. You guys were talking, making jokes. You guys stopped at a crossroad at one point, suddenly you felt yourself being lifted.

You looked to see it was Sorbe who was now carrying you. He smirked at you
"Don't want you getting into another accident." He said with a small laugh, followed by Gelato's laugh. You smiled and clung onto Gelato as you all crosse the street.

"Let's get some ice cream." Sorbet spoke. You got excited by the mention of ice cream, you were bouncing in excitement as you nod your head rapidly
"Ice cream! Ice cream!"

The two males smile at your reaction.

You enjoyed your ice cream as you were being taken to the orphanage. You have totally forgotten that you were being taken to the orphanage.

𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚 (JJBA Pt 5 x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now