XII: Strike Two

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They have seen what you could do. See what you are.

Something your fathers have never seen before. Not even when your on the field.

"Join the gang. Join the rebellion, our cause."

You just didn't expect this.
"Excuse me? Ha! Is this some sort of joke?" You said with a displeased expression.

"This is no joke. Without you, your parents would be dead. You want to keep them safe, no?" Risotto said as he kept the stoic face.

That stoic face of his is pissing you off

"You said the boss is stronger then that green fuck. And his little mutt. But you see ---" you held your arm up and pulled down your sleeve
"His mutt bit half of my fucking arm off! You see this? Half of my tattoo is gone for fucks sake- where is it? Probably in that Stronzi stomach right now."

You leand back into your chair
"I barely got out of there myself. How can I help defeat this boss y'all got? Hm?"

"We will make you stronger. Your strong enough to take at least two of us on. . . But you still need learning. You learn from us, and you'll be able to defeat him." Risotto seems insistent on you joining.

It doesn't sound like a bad idea, but not good either. You know these are your fathers friends, but you don't know them. And sure as hell don't trust them.

Risotto saw how much you were hesitating. So he decided to pull the guilt trip card out.
"Your fathers. . . The boss knows of them, he knows they were trying to uncover his identity for us. They are in the most danger."

Your expression went dark.

"You care for them no? If you love them. Really, really love them. . . Fight for them." The man's words hit you like an arrow. You love your fathers more then anything. Your ready to die for them. Kill for them, commit any crime for them.

If these men aren't trustworthy and they do any acts of showing you harm to your parents.

You'll send over fifty volts through them

"Okay. I'll join. But on one condition."
You spoke quickly. Risotto was satisfied with your answer, but stayed on edge on what condition you were possibly going to request.

"Every mission I go on, the money immediately goes to my parents. And I want to keep a side job. And honest one without killing or drugs." Your face stayed stone cold as you spoke of your conditions.

"I can do the first part. But the second. . . I will tell you now. I will not be responsible for what happens if you keep a honest hard working job on the side. There are a lot of consequences to that." Risotto is right. Usually keeping a side job while in a gang is dangerous.

You need to show your loyal to the gang. Will sacrifice what is needed to keep the gang afloat. To keep yourself alive.

And having a side job won't keep you alive while in a gang.

Your working hours should be put in by working for the gang and earning the gang money. Not just yourself.

But your a smart girl. And Risotto assumes you already know this, yet risking it either way.

"Understood. I just don't want any of you in my way while working. . . . So, do we have a deal." You spoke as you straighten yourself up a little more.

Risotto did the same as he held his hand out your reached out and shook his hand firmly.


𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚 (JJBA Pt 5 x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now