VII: Get Spooked

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You gasped for air as you sat up from your bed.

After calming your breathing, you decided to just grab some water and just fall asleep.

You quickly, but quietly made your way downstairs. You were supposed to get water, but ended up getting juice instead.

You drank up and poured one more cup just incase you get thirsty again.

You left a lamp light on when you fell back asleep. You know that there is nothing hiding in the dark. But believing in seeing calms you down even more.

You yawn as you twirled the key necklace in your fingers

You still remember where you used to live. But that is all. Sometimes you dramatically of other people. . . Faceless people. At first they look scary. But their words, even though most of it is muffled, reassured you that they would not hurt you.

But on the times when you sleep. Thinking little of what might happen in your mind when your eyes close.

Darkness and many other things jump at you in ways you never expected.

These nightmares, they kept you up at night. And made you fear in the day.
Fear that those nightmares will come true.

Those horried images that might be just around the corner.

"Haruno! Catch!"

"Got it!"

Tina and Haruno played as you watched. Your tired eyes watched them as they laughed and played roughly with each other.

You smiled when Tina would curse here and there. When Haruno would fall on his face and get right up like nothing happened.

Ha! The way Tina's face looked the first time he did that.

"N/n! Come play!" Tina shouted. You sighed and forced yourself up to play.




"Haruno. Can I ask you something?"
You asked as you were laying next to the boy. Tina was laying in the middle of them, fast asleep.

"Yes?" Haruno yawns a little.

". . . Have you ever had dreams. That seem so real? Like it's happens before?"

"Like dajavu?" Haruno asked slightly getting up to confirm his curiosity.
"Ah- umm. . . Yes, but no. Like, you see it and you've seen it before! But it's in the near future so you don't really know when it'll happen. Just that it'll happen no matter what  . . . . "

You knew you sounded crazy. But you just wanted to let it out. You didn't want to talk to your fathers about it, knowing they will overreact.

". . . No. I've never had that. Maybe your just special." Haruno said with a small smile. You frown a little
"Special?" You mumbled.

"Yea! Maybe it's a gift! You have a special gift to see into the future!"
Haruno said as his smile became a bright one.

The two of you stayed silent. Until you both bursted into a fit of laughter

"HAHAHAHA! Gift! Yea right." Your laugh slowed down and you two quiet down.

Amazingly, Tina was still asleep.

You yawn as you got comfortable in your bed.
"Night night!" You said as your fathers were at the door.

They both smile at you and said their goodnights.

One of them turned the lights off while the other closed the door.

You sighed as you got comfortable, slowly closing your eyes and feeling yourself getting engulfed in the warmth in the blankets










Your eyes fluttered open as you heard voices

"Y/n. Miss Y/n did you hear me?" A man with white hair spoke. He was speaking, his words clear, but his voice wasn't clear.

His face was blurred as well. But you didn't pay attention to that. Only to his words.

"What?. . . I- I don't. . . "

"Your fathers. . . They passed away"


You felt your everything around you crumbling. Literally. Everything around you was falling apart you looked around you. The pictures, the memories. Crumbling and flowing away.

"No. . . No no no. NO! DON'T LEAVE ME!" You were  able to grab a picture, just to have it vanish in your arms.

Tears dropped onto the ground. Sobbing silently. You dropped to hour knees, crying for your fathers.

"N/n. . . N/n don't cry." A soft spot voice spoke.

You gasped and opened your eyes.

The scene had changed. You were now cradling the upper half of someone's body.

"It's not your fault. . . . You were always my hero. No matter what."
Suddenly, the hand that was at your cheek fell. And the body in your arms started to disintegrate.

"No! No wait! Don't leave come back!"
You got up and tried to chase the ashes that were going away from you.

"I'll do anything! Just stay, PLEASE!"







Your eyes shot open and you quickly sat up from you bed. Your breathing was hard and shaking. You were shaking as if you were put in a freezer. Yet your body felt hot. Cold sweat was all you felt.

You grabbed your toy and walked out of your room. You waddle your way to your parents room.

Once you got inside. You jump in the bed and forced yourself in the middle.

"Ah! Hon, what are you doing here?" Gelato asked half asleep. His lover woke up as well.
"Are you okay baby?" Sorbe rubbed his hand on your arm as he noticed you still shaking.

You stayed silent and kept your eyes on the ceiling. But your eyes started to water up. Your bottom lip started to quiver, after remembering what her dean was. After remembering what the person said about her fathers.

Gelato sighed and wrapped his arm around Y/n and rested his head on hers.
"Just nightmares hon. Nothing will hurt you now. Me and your Dady will protect you. Okay?"

Sorbe smiled as he moved closer and did the same as his lover
"Yes! No nightmares can get to you while we are here." Sorbe kissed your head and mumbled
"We will always protect you."

You frown. Your eye brows furrowed at the words.
"But. . . But who will protect Papi and Daddy" You spoke in a shaky small voice.

You voice shy and small. But your words were strong and hit hard without them even knowing how hard it hit.

Your nightmares calmed down as time passed. But that doesn't mean your not afraid of those dreams coming true. Oh no, in fact your afraid to remember the worst parts of those damned nightmares.

𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚 (JJBA Pt 5 x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now