X: The After Taste

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A few days later

You walked out from the back of the cafe. You slammed it open, pissed off at the costumer who was being disrespectful to you.

Your boss saw how you were seconds away from jumping the person and sent you off to take the trash.

"Huh . . . What's going on here?" You spoke as you see a bunch of punks, and a boy-

'Oh well shit. It's him.' You thought to yourself.
"What the hell you looking at?" One of th punks spoke.

You kept your eyes on the boy, observing his condition
'He looks worse then last time. . . . '
While you were processing the situation, one of the punks went up to you and grabbed a hold of your colour.

"Listen here bi-" next the you know the punk is on the ground.

"What the hell!?" The others stared down at their little friend who was knocked out cold.

One by one. They came at her. And one by one, she bitched slapped them as hard as she could and punched the big one who came at her.

You sighed and grabbed the trash bag that you had to drop to get the punks off you. You threw the thing in the trash can.

You looked back at the boy who was now standing up, leaning on the wall to support him, he was looking at you in awe after seeing that whole little scene you showed.

". . . You look like shit."

You bluntly stated. You pulled your wallet out and began to walk over to him. The boy flinched a little and slightly moved back as you came close.

You pulled some money out and just slide it in his front pocket of his shirt.
"Go to the Rosa Clinic. Say I sent you."

You say as you looked down on him. Your cold stare and demanding like voice made the boy conflicted by your actions.

"B-but. I don't have your name. . .?" The boy finally spoke.

You were really tired and burnt out from the week you were getting and decided to just walk off while saying,
"Just describe me. I'm sure they'll help you. Now scram."

You slammed the door closed. Leaving the boy staring down at the boys who were knocked out cold.

The boy sweat dropped as he stood in front of the "Rosa Clinic", the Animal clinic.

The boys eye twitched. Thinking that girl was pulling some joke on him, saying he was some sort of animal.

But he had a feeling that he should enter anyway. So he did.

"Hm? Oh! Hello, can I help you?" He was greeted by a woman who was in uniform. Clearly a worker.

"Oh. . . Umm, I was sent here. She said you could help me?" The boy sounded unsure of everything he was saying.

The woman gave him a small nod
"Who sent you little one?" She asked gently. Now seeing closely on how beaten up the poor child was

"S-she didn't give me a name. She, has
H/c hair, e/c eyes. Oh! And she had a snake tattoo on her forearm with a-"

"With a cross. Yes, yes." The woman said as she chuckled by just thinking of who the person was that sent him.
"Come come."

The boy followed the woman. She gladly fixed him up and even helped him dyed his hair back to its original color.

"T-thank you. Here you go." The boy gave the money to the woman that you gave him. She looked down at it and just giggled as she pushed the money to him

𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚 (JJBA Pt 5 x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now