VIII: Memories Hurt

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This one might be longer then usual.

2 years later

You get smacked across the face.
Causing you to stumble a little.

"Tina!" Haruno quick held the pink haired girl back. Even though Tina wasn't the one who got smacked. She was the one crying.

"How could you say that! How could you do this to us! I don't believe you. . . I don't believe a single word your saying!" Tina shouted as she tried her best to hold back her sobbing.

Haruno was also doing his best not to cry.

". . . I'm sorry guys. I have to leave." You slowly walked up to them. And when you knew Tina wouldn't try and hit you again. You hugged the hell out of them.

"You guys know I love you. . . With all I have." You squeezed them tight.

Moving was hard. Especially when you have to tell your friends. And your only friends seemed to not be taking it well like you.

Your fathers job had them needing to move somewhere further due to things getting more complicated. You weren't given any more information then needed. Just that you weren't allowed to contact your friends ever again after the move.

You disliked the idea of leaving what you knew. The only things you ever wanted to know. But your fathers always did what you wanted. Everything you asked for they got you.

You didn't want to be a brat for them trying to give you a good life.

"Y/n hon go and pick your room. This place has more rooms then our last place" Gelato said as he gave her a box that had her belongings in it.

You did as you were told and decided to pick a room that was down stairs instead of upstairs.

The room was big enough for you, had a nice window that had a nice veiw of the lake.

You set the box down and tossed your bag to the side. You glanced around the room.

All you need is a little imagination and this house will feel like home

Four weeks later

The days have been feeling more lonely now that you and your family had moved into the country side.

You have no friends. Your fathers are leaving for longer then usual.

You were told not to leave the house unless its school, when they are not present.

But tonight. Tonight you are going to go out without your parents knowing.

You had to take the bus an able to go back into town. It wasn't the same town you were raised in, but as long as you have fun and out of the house, you don't really care.

You got into town and it was night time.
The lights were everywhere. It felt like you were in a city. You were quick to get something to eat.

You were eating a little something while walking around and admiring the lights.

But one store caught your eye. A book store. The lights inside drew you in. The warm feeling the glass display gave you.

You walked in. The lights weren't too bright, a small little bell rang as you came in.

A worker welcomed you. You nod in acknowledgement and quickly ate your snack and went straight to the fiction area.

You were trying to look for a book that looked interesting. Something that was action but still had a little romance

𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚 (JJBA Pt 5 x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now