V: Don't Leave Me

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"Don't worry, she'll be in great hands." The woman in charge of the orphanage was speaking with Sorbe as Gelato was saying goodbye to you.

"I promise I'll come to visit you." Gelato said in a low voice. You were clinging onto him as you felt tears swell up.

"No. . . I don't want to. Your not gonna come back!" You whined. Gelato frowns as he hugged you and lifted you off the ground. He was feeling guilty, he'll be back, he knows he'll be back! But leaving you hear while your crying didn't sit right with him

"Okay, I settled things with the caretaker. We gotta go." Sorbe walked up to the two. Gelato sets you down, he kneeled down to you.
"We will be back in two days. Just two days kiddo." Sorbe ruffled your head

You watched them leave while next to the caretaker, you were crying while one hand was holding the caretaker's

"*sniff* noo, don't leave!" You sobbed while wiping your tears that just keep coming.

This scene looks rather familiar, I think you know, but then again, your memory is kind of foggy. But it's okay, it's better for you to not remember.

You sat on a window pane while watching the kids play. You hadn't moved ever since you were taken inside the building. It was clear you were sad about the two men that left.

But they said they would come back, so they must come back.

But something told you that they wouldn't, why would they come back for a little crybaby like you? These negative thoughts were making you want to cry, but you kept it in.

You didn't want to cause the adults more trouble then you already did.

One day had passed and you just had to go through this whole day. And maybe, just maybe. Gelato and Sorbe would be back.

You were out side near the gate, hanging there as if you were waiting for someone, but you were just board and was too shy to ask to play with any of the other kids.

The gate you were hanging on could let you see the front of the orphanage, meaning you can see who enters and leaves.

So you were able to see a woman with a little girl who looked a year or two younger then you. Her hair was a rather unusual pink colour. You tilt your head as you watched the woman talk to the little girl for a small moment, before just walking away.

You watched the little girl stand there, watching, who you assume was her mother, just walk away. The caretaker got the pink haired girl inside. You sighed as you decide to go in the building, you were getting hot from the heat anyways.

Seriously if these people will just drop these kids off at an orphanage, use a damn condom, or don't have sex at all!

You were sitting on the window pain again while swaying your feet. You didn't really talk to the other kids, but they didn't really talk to you. So it was reasonable, you didn't want to approach someone who didn't want to be approached.

"Hello." You were surprised to hear a voice that wasn't an adult speak so close to you. She had to be talking to you.

You looked up to be more surprised that it was the girl who was dropped off today.
"Oh- umm, hi." You said nervously.

The girl was staring deep into your eyes, making you feel a little anxious, what did she want from you?
"The caretaker said you and I should become friends. . . Do you want to be friends?" The girl said, now she was getting nervous as she now avoided eye contact with you.

You tilt your head and spoke
"Do you want to become friends with me?" Your questions seemed to surprise her a little.

"Well. . . Why not! I'm Tina." Tina gave you her hand to shake. You shook her hand and gave her a small smile
"Y/n. It's nice to meet you, Tina."

Tina was a nice girl. She was shy just like you, the two of you spent the rest of the day with each other in the library

And when it was lights out, Tina got to sleep in the same bunk as you! The two of you got along quickly. It was nice to have a friend that was near your age.

The day Gelato and Sorbe said they would come back arrived. But they didn't come. You assumed they were busy, so you waited for the next day.

And the day after that, and the day after that. Soon it was already a whole week that had passed. You were upset that they had promised something they couldn't keep.

It was a Sunday, and Tina wanted to go out and have an adventure, or something like that.
"Come on Y/n! It'll make you feel better." Tina really was a nice girl, she has been trying her best to make you smile. She does archive that here and there. But she can tell you aren't fully happy.

It was clear you were reluctant to go. But you didn't feel alright with Tina leaving on her own.

The two girls first went to the park, and it was actually fun. The two girls were being silly and at one point played with others kids in tag. Tina was surprisingly fast, you freaked out when you saw her tailing you with a scary determined expression.

After playing, you two went to get ice cream. The owner offered to give you two gelato and sorbet ice cream, you, who was felling petty, decided to go next door of the ice cream shop and ordered fries and milk shake.

"Oh no!" Tina spoke suddenly. You looked to her as you sipped on your milk shake
"I think I forgot my bracelet at the park!" Tina looked at you with sad pleading eyes.
"Alright. Let's go back then."

The two of you held hands as you two made your way to the park.

When you two got to the park, you two instantly went to the places you two played. As you two were doing that, some kids were gathering in one place. You didn't pay any mind to it, focused on finding the bracelet.

That is until you heard Tina screaming

"HEY! You guys leave him alone!"

You looked over to see Tina running up to the group of kids. You realized the kids were picking on another kid who was on the ground, making the reason why you didn't really see him at first.

You and Tina were walking to the orphanage. Tina only had a scraped knee, as for you, you were more roughed up. Your eye had already formed a purple color as your knuckles were red and bleeding a little.

Tina had found her braclet. And that was all that mattered to you.

Tina left to get the first aid kit before they entered the orphanage, you didn't want anyone else to touch you but Tina.

You were sitting on a bench that was outside of the orphanage. Patiently waiting for Tina to fix her up. Until you heard your name being called from afar.

You looked up. Your eyes widen, not believing what you were seeing.

Gelato was smiling and waving at the girl as he was running twords the building, Sorbe following behind.

"Y/n! Sweetie!"

Every negative thought and the pain from your wounds went away as you got off the bench and ran as fast as your little legs could go.

You were of course, as always. Crying.

You got into a hug with Gelato who had his arms open. Welcoming you in a warm embrace.

Your sobs were loud, small words slipping your mouth, talking about how they broke their promise.

"We're sorry. Our job got us caught up in something and we couldn't come." Gelato spoke as he caressed your head as you were still hugging him. Showing no signs of letting go.

"We're here now." Sorbe spoke. You looked up at Sorbe, who smiled at you and wiped away your tears. Just for more to spill.

"Don't leave me like that again. . . *sob* okay??"

The way you said that made the two men laugh a little as they both hugged you tighter.

𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚 (JJBA Pt 5 x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now