XI: Heart To Heart

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"We came back yesterday. And you weren't home. We called your school and they said you dropped softball? Your grades have been going down as well?" Sorbet was clearly mad at you. You cursed in your head. About to explain things.

"You never came home last night, and you come home at 2 in the morning? We called you. We called you multiple times! What the hell Y/n!?"

You frown deeply at the way your Papi raised his voice.

"How can you leave without reaching out to us? We were worried. What if something happened to you??" You hung your head down and gretted your teeth as your hands rolled up in a fist.

Gelato came up to you and held your shoulders.
"What's going on Y/n? You've been acting more cold and haven't been telling us the truth? And leaving us like that, where your parents-"

You couldn't hold it in. You slapped your Papi's hands away and backed up
"You think you guys leaving me doesn't hurt me!?" You were mad, mad to the point where you might say something you'll regret.

"Why did we move here!? I had friends! But you two made me leave them! SO MUCH SHIT HAPPENED AND I CAN'T EVEN GET THE CHANCE TO SAY IT BEFORE YOU TWO LEAVE ME!"

You felt like you looked crazy. You felt stupid for even talking at the moment.

"You promised me. . . "

You felt close to tears.anger and sadness washing over you
"You promised not to leave me." You took a deep breath in and looked up, staring back at your parents faces
"I've never felt so alone when it came to the two of you. . . . Some parents you are."

"Y/n, please wait!"

You didn't want to hear it you slammed your door closed.

"Shit." Gelato cursed under his breath.

"Sorbet. . . We need to go. Our mission-"

"Fuck our mission. . . Fuck the gang. Fuck the boss. . . " sorbet had his head in his hands as he mumbled those words.

Gelato frowns deeply
"What? What are you saying-"

"Our daughter is clearly upset! And we're just going to leave her? Gelato what the fuck!?" Sorbet stood up from the couch.

". . . " Gelato stayed silent. He loves you. He loves you so much. And he feels like shit for not being there for you. But the mission is big. They had to find out the bosses identity.

If they do that, they'll get more money then they do now. They'll be able to give you everything the world can offer.

They'll be able to give you a happy life.

It's been over an hour after you had lashed out on your parents. Guilt had come over you. And you felt like a brat.

You decide to go out and buy them something as a sorry.

You left the house and stopped by a store. It took you a while, but you found the perfect present for the two of them.

You were happy with your present. You just hoped they weren't mad at you.

But as you were on the way to the house, you had to take a different route. You don't know why, you just felt like taking a longer route.

As you were walking down the street, you made an immediate stop as you saw a very familiar car parked at a sketchy building. It was your parents car.

You couldn't help but feel the need to go and check out what was going on. You walked to the shaded area and looked into the car, and conformed that indeed this was your fathers car.

𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚 (JJBA Pt 5 x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now