III: Carlos

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You've been quite lively lately. Being more routy and being more bold in steeling money from others.

Your charming and confident skills have most definitely gone up. You haven't been targeting adults too much. Adults here are already suspicious of everything, so you go for the tourest

Of course some kids didn't like your cocky attitude. And decided to want to jump you, and what did you do?

Ran. The. Fuck. Away

"Get back here you coward!"

"Crazy bitch!"

"I'm the crazy bitch? Honey I think you've got a few things twisted here." You snapped back as you were climbing on top of a big truck as the kids continued to chase you.

You were able to shake them off your tale, finally getting to rest from the running. You weren't out of breath or anything, you were just lazy.

You wanted to go back home, but those damn kids could be anywhere, they might find where you live and jump ya there. You yawn a little as you have been staying in place for a bit, and you were getting hungry, but you were also low on money.

You sighed, feeling impatient and decided to try to go home, but take a different route then your usual route.

As you were walking, it seemed to get darker, and more people started to come out, which was odd. The stars did seem more bright and pretty today. Maybe they wanted to look at the stars?

Who knows.

You kept walking, but from afar, you saw a kid and a man. It seemed they were arguing, you assumed it was just a son and a father having a disagreement. So you didn't pay mind to it. Until the boy tried to go, but the man stopped him from doing so

"Let me go!"

"Come on kid, just trying to help ya."

"I don't need your fucking help, now let go-"

"Carlos! There you are. I've been looking all over for you!" You were now next to the boy, your hand gently on his shoulder, while your other hand was gripping the other mans hand, rather tightly.

"Please sir, I'd like it if you let your hand got off my brother." You said with a small smile

"Brother. . . You two look nothing alike. I don't think your his sister kid." The man decided to be a stubborn ass as he let's go of the boys hand but grabbed you by the colour.

You of course didn't like that, and your temper was now getting the best of you.

"Listen here you little bitch, don't try to play hero before you get hurt-" suddenly you roughly grabbed the man's face. You glared at him and spoke


The man was pushed back by the sudden force. He felt pain all over his body and started to scream in pain


The boy behind you watched in utter shock. Who the hell were you?

"Oi! What's going on here?" The two of you looked over to see the police
"Ah shit. Let's go!" You grabbed the boys hand and started run

You then started to laugh as more chaos started when the police tried to chase you two.

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"So. . . Wanna tell me your name?" You asked with a small grin. The boy frowns and turned his head away from you
"I'm not just going to share my name with a complete stranger."

𝙅𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙩 𝙈𝙚 (JJBA Pt 5 x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now