3. Jupiter

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Their family life isn't great. They don't have the best relationship with their parents, especially their mother.

Jupiter use to have an older brother, he sadly passed away when Jupiter was around 4 years old. A drunk driver crashed into them, the older brother instinctively shielding his baby sibling (Which is where they lost their arm).
Ever since then, their mother has taken out her grief onto Jupiter.

No matter what they do, it isn't good enough or "that's not how he did it." Sometimes they get flat out ignored. Their mother never forgets to celebrate their dead brother's birthday. Conveniently, she forgets Jupiter's. Whenever Jupiter gets annoyed when their brother gets mentioned, their mother and them get into a screaming match about it. Their father? As always, doesn't say a word about it. And yet, they still try to get some kind of recognition. Some love.

Jupiter would rather have them constantly working or on trips without than have a 90% chance their day gets ruined by their mother. It's lonely, but at least they could just walk over to their neighbors' house. It's nice to have friends right next door.

Jupiter doesn't want to blame their brother for what their life is now, but they can't help it. Whenever they go to visit his grave, they always end up punching the dirt where he lays.
"Why didn't you just let me die? You were their pride and joy, why didn't you live instead? I hate you!"

They always end up apologizing. It isn't his fault, but there isn't anyone else they could talk about it. There is, but how can they worry their neighbors more than they do already?

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