𝓣𝔀𝓮𝓷𝓽𝔂-𝓽𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮: 𝓕𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓼 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭

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A/n: Here we go againnnn

I spent a whole week with my family after I was released from the hospital. I helped my mother with her job search and finally had time for my siblings.

Well, for the whole week, I didn't call my friends. I haven't even called Robin since the moment we...kissed. Even though my mother always has annoying questions about whether we are still friends or whether I don't want to call her. Well, to be honest, I have mixed feelings about it all.

I don't know what it will be like, I don't know if I will be able to hug her at school or kiss her on the cheek somewhere in the store. I'm afraid it will end before it even starts.

But today is Robin's birthday. She didn't invite us to the celebration until Saturday, because today she is celebrating with her family. She's 18 now. Thats a big. I want to prepare a surprise for her. I want her to never forget about that.

I'm thinking of giving her a book for her birthday that I never gave her. It stayed with Steve, so at least I hoped it would still be there.

It's cold outside. Mike is at Will's. I sent my mother and Holly to the evening fair that was held in the town every year in autumn. So I was home alone. I thought of something spontaneously. I dressed warmer, put the book that Steve brought me today in a gift bag and locked the house. Even though it was cold outside, it was quite pretty there. The city was illuminated and everything was quiet.

When I was about half way to Robin, out of nowhere, a huge gray cloud appeared in the sky and I was completely drenched within a second. However, I ran to Robin since it was only a little closer.

I rang the bell and Robin in a black dress opened the door. For the first time I saw her wearing something other than shorts or jeans. When she saw me, a big smile appeared on her lips.

"Nancy, what are you doing here?"

"Ummm, I brought you a present, but somehow I got a little...wet"

Robin was about to tell me something, but then her mother approached the door.

"Good evening Mrs. Buckley, sorry to disturb you"

She was silent for a moment and measured me from head to toe, I don't know if Robin told her about us, but it was all so awkward. Of course she knew about the scandal at school.
I wasn't sure if Robin admitted it or denied it completely

"For God's sake, you're going to catch a cold, Robin, give Nancy some dry clothes and put the wet ones in the dryer. You can stay for a while, but come and say hello to Aunt Lucy"

"Thank you, yeah sure I'll come"
Robin took my hand and led me to her room.

"Sooo....happy birthday"
Robin picked up the wet book bag and smiled again.

"Aww thank you Nance"
Robin was completely calm. She leaned over and kissed my cheek.

It was clear that she had done this many times before. I mean she already had girlfriends. But for me...this is new
"Okay, so I'll give you my sweatshirt and pants, you'll be warm and cozy in it"

I nodded. I started undressing while Robin was taking out the clothes from the closet.

"Nice dress Robin"

"Ugh mom made me wear them"

"I like it"

She smiled.

When I was already dressed in dry clothes and my hair was dried, Robin and I left the room and went to the rest of the family who were in the living room.

Her father was sitting on the couch, looking bored in the presence of only women.

Robin's mom and Aunt Lucy were sitting on the armchair together with a cup of coffee. Robin prepared me for the fact that she is a bit... pushy.

She told me to ignore her stupid comments or questions that I would not be very comfortable with. I'll get over it, if I got over my father, I'll get over her too.

We both sat down on the next free chair.

"Lucy  this is Nancy my..."
Robin looked at me, she wasn't sure what to tell,

I know that she wouldn't have a problem to say it out loud. She's ready to say it in front of her family....but im not.

"Best friend" I said for her and introduced myself.

The way her parents looked at me, I understood that they knew something more its going on between us.
Well, Robin just smiled at me ,she understand.
I was falling more and more in love with her every minute.

Out of politeness, we sat there for a while. I couldn't even touch her, so I just sat there and ate the stupid  cake.

"So...Nancy? What about you and boys? Have you found a prince on a white horse yet? Because our Robin keeps talking about how she doesn't want or need any boys" she laughed
"since she was seven years old."

I looked at Robin who just rolled her eyes and looked to the side. Annoying questions. I swallowed a piece of cake that almost got stuck in my throat.

"There's no boy"

I saw Robin try to say it out loud. To avoid these stupid questions.

"Oh, don't worry, you'll find the one soon, but know that the sooner the better."

Robin clenched her fist and stood up from the couch.

"Or Aunt Lucy she doesn't want any boys, have you ever thought that teenage girls' lives aren't all about boys, summer romances, kisses or sex?"

I thought her mom was going to yell at her but she didn't say a word.
But Lucy turned to Mrs. Buckley indignantly.

"This is how you raised your daughter? To talk to me in that tone?"

Robin's mom looked at both of us and then stood up.

"Yes, I raised her to not let things get in her way and to always stand up for the people she cares about."

“Well, I'm not surprised she haven't found anyone."

"I'm a lesbian Lucy,do you understand?"

She said it. Her mom just looked down and her dad looked at her mom. Lucy just sit there with her mouth open.
Without another word, Robin grabbed my hand and we ran into her room, where she then locked the door.

We processed together in silence what had just happened.
Robin laughed out of nowhere and sat down on the floor.

"I said it…I finally said it Nance"

"Yes, God, how...how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine! It's great. I don't care what Lucy thinks."

"What about your parents"

"I think they knew before I did"

I put my head on her shoulder. If she can do it, so can I.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

"Yes, you must stay here tonight"

"Okay, I love you Robin"

"I love you Nance I wish this would never end"


𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫,𝐲𝐨𝐮//𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now