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Hello Readers! I feel sooooo gooooddd to be back again! This is my very first time writing a mafia related book and also older brothers related one!! It feels kinda surreal although I have had imagined writing one for the longest time 

Had been drafting for this book for about a month's time but had to wait till all my tests were over so I finally started it today. Feels good to write out the plot and come up with various names for all my characters! 

Introduction of characters

Avery Elizabeth Romano 

Age: 19

Twin and older sibling of Ariana

Ariana Beatrice Romano

Age: 19

Twin and younger sibling of Avery

Twin and younger sibling of Avery

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Alexander Silas Romano

Age: 28 

Elijah Flynn Romano

Age: 26

Lorenzo Adler Romano

Age: 23

Matteo Louis Romano

Age: 21


Father: Ethan Romano


Mother: Coraline Romano(Monet)



Uncle: Ezra Romano

Age: 48

Aunt: Giana Romano

Age: 45

Their sons/Cousins

Gabriel Alessio Romano

Age: 27

Axel Daniele Romano 

Age: 23

Lucas Josiah Romano

Age: 20

Mason Stefano Romano

Age: 19

Gentle reminder to those reading this book: there will NOT be any smut in the story as usual HEHEH because I just don't feel comfortable with writing them :) sorry if that disappointed any of yall who came in for the romance part. I would just like to reiterate that this story is mainly about the relationship between siblings, not focusing on romance (to which there may or may not be romance as I'm still drafting out the plot for this book) but stay tune! <3

A/N: I have decided not to add my version of characters as I will leave that part up to you guys to imagine teehee

Feel free to dm me or comment in the story if you have any queries or suggestions to make to the story :)) I love reading new ideas and will consider any of the suggestions made!

Happy Reading! - 24/8/2022

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