Chapter 3

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Avery Romano

"Mason? How come you are in this class?" He walked up to me after seeing those three girls scrambling their way away from my table. The students who were enjoying the scene had also dispersed since it was no longer entertaining for them. Mason glared at a few remaining ones who still had their eyes on us but soon turned his attention back on me.

He shot me a big grin before stretching out his hand to ruffle my hair,"I dropped Physics class and decided to come over for Biology lessons." I playfully slapped his hand away to arrange my hair, and frowned at him,"Why? I thought you were doing pretty well in Physics?" 

"I can't possibly leave my cousin dearest here to be picked on by other people. And fuck physics by the way, I never liked that subject." He shrugged as he pulled a chair and sat next to me. If it was possible, my frown got even bigger.

"But it's already our last year here, Mason. You can't just drop it after studying it for so long. Moreover, you don't know what the shit is even going on in Biology class after transferring over so suddenly!" I exclaimed as I did not want to be the cause of his poor results at the end of the day. I cannot ruin another person's life. 

"I can always study extra hard and learn everything from the beginning, Ave. If you are still bugging me on that, then I will change all my classes to be the same as you. End of discussion." I gave up arguing that with him, knowing that I would always be the one to give in and listen to him. I raised my hands in the air and shrugged,"Okay, okay, I won't harp on that again. But Mason, you always come to me if you have any queries about Biology, all right? Just to make sure you won't flop this class." 

"All right, all right. Little miss I'm so great at Biology." He mocked playfully at my tone. He then pulled an empty table and joined with mine, and that became his permanent seat. Throughout the lesson, I could not help but to wonder how lonely I would have felt if Mason were not here. He was right after all, this useless cousin of his does need some company. 

Although Mason was my cousin, he was practically my brother and had no difference from a real one. Even the real ones would not do such things for me, but he would. There were many times when I often wonder why he was so nice to me despite the fact that even my real brothers refused to acknowledge my presence. 

My train of thoughts were cut off when my eyes found Mason drooling onto his textbook. I secretly took out my phone and snapped a quick picture of him before shoving the phone back into my pocket. Shaking my head while chuckling to myself, I flipped open my notebook and resumed with my note taking. I'm sure it was going to be his lifesaver later. 

After Biology class, Mason had to leave for his other classes while I still remained at the same spot for the next period.  It was a free period and Ms Benson suddenly entered the class. She was our homeroom teacher. Although I would not say that I'm a fan of her, but at least she was not one of those teachers I dislike. 

"All right, class. I know this is your free period so I will make it quick. We have a new transferred student today so just give your warmest welcome to him. Come on in!" She gestured towards the door and someone walked into the class. I heard immediate gushes from the front rows, which mainly consists of girls. I then lifted up my head from my work and saw the new guy. 

He was probably around 6 foot something, dark brown hair, and practically he has a pair of eyes, a nose, a mouth, and a pair of ears which any normal human would possess. I turned my attention back onto the work and could still hear girls in my class fawning over the new guy. 

"Come on, introduce yourself to the class." 

"Hi, my name's Vincenzo Ricasso. Great to be in this class." That was his introduction. Nevertheless, girls continued gushing over him and even some of the girls who were outside of our class peeked into the room to see what was going on. They were no exception from the girls in my class. 

Shaking my head at the commotion, I tried to shut out the noise and focused on the work in front of me. 

"All right, thank you for your introduction Vincenzo. Why don't you take that empty seat behind Avery?" That was my cue to look up. Fuck me, it was the wrong time to look up. Because everyone's attention is now on me. But why the empty seat behind me? It was my territory and I hated to have anyone sitting behind me.

Ms Benson then pointed towards my direction to show the new guy his seat. Gee, thank Ms Benson. As he was walking down way to his designated seat, his eyes were suddenly on me and it did not seem like it was going to leave me alone anytime soon. I met his eyes for a brief second then picked up my pen again to continue writing. 

Ms Benson then hurriedly left the class after seeing that he had settled down into the class. The girls in my class still had their eyes stuck to him as though it was their first time seeing a guy in this school. 

Our free period quickly went by and it was now Math class. I stifled a yawn and jumped a little when I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. The guy behind me gave me a sheepish look while putting his hand on his neck,"Sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you. But do you have a spare pen or pencil to spare? I forgot to bring mine." I blinked twice at him before turning back to the front and grabbed a pencil and an eraser to pass it to him. 

"Thank you. What's your name by the way? I'm Vincenzo." I did not want to reply him but that would be too rude. Sighing a little, I turned back and replied,"Avery." and turned back to the front again. 

I heard a chair scraping against the floor and he was suddenly standing in front of me, but he lowered himself a little so that I could see him better. I tilted my head at him, indirectly asking what he needed from me again. He tilted his head back at me again, as if he did not get what I was asking. 

"What do you need again?" I muttered. 

"You look.....familiar. Which reminds me of someone from the past." He slowly said as he was still examining my face. 

I remained silent.

"Don't you find me familiar or anything?" He asked again. I felt bad for giving short answers to him but I had to, in order for him to stop talking to me. And so, I shook my head to his question. 

But the truth was, we did meet before. Not once, but several times. 

But I was too much of a coward to admit it. I refused to meet him again like this. 

Updated! my eyes were heavily strained today because was organising all the apps on the ipad for almost the whole afternoon but was worth it! still cannot overcome the excitement in me about getting a new ipad! the feeling is just too exhilarating for me WJBSJKSNJK

Random question but do you guys prefer studying in a cafe or a library? 

I would always opt for the library because I tend to lose focus real fast if I were to be in a cafe. There's just too much distractions going on and I would end up using my phone non-stop. 

Happy reading! - 26/8/2022

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