Chapter 61

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Reine Parker

"No, regardless of what you have in mind, you can't go there alone." Alexander interrupted before I could sound out my plan. 

"I actually agree with him on this for once." Roman chimed in.

Glaring at the both of them, I retorted, "I'm not asking for any of your permission to do this. It's either to go with my plan or I will secretly sneak out to meet her myself. Your choice."

Both of them muttered under their breaths, as they heaved out a loud sigh simultaneously, "Fine, we only left with one choice it is." 

"Great, so no more objections? Then I will begin." 

Closing the projector, I asked for the final time, "Is everyone clear on this? If not I will repeat it again." 

All of them nodded, as though I was the teacher and they were the students. It was the third time that I was repeating the whole plan to them because I did not want any mistakes to occur during the process. One mistake and it could cost us a life, or many lives. I want to make sure that our plan will be flawless, unless any unexpected event would occur, which hopefully none to be.

We then spent the next three days preparing ourselves for the rescue and the attack, hoping that everything will go smoothly as what we planned. I planted myself at the shooting range during these three days to practice my shooting skills. Not that it was anywhere lacking, but I want to make sure that no one would be able to get away alive the moment I shoot them. Not a chance. I need to end it all this time round.

Focusing on the target ahead, my shoulder tensed up when I felt someone's hand rested upon my shoulders. Out of natural reflex, I spun around immediately as I pointed the gun in my hands directly to the person who touched me. 

Vince raised both his hands up in the air the moment he saw my actions and I instantly dropped my gun down as I took off the protective ear shield. 

"Sorry about that." I apologised. 

"It's fine, I should be the one who's sorry." He shook his head lightly, as his hand rubbed the back of his head lightly in embarrassment. 

We then took a seat on the chairs while I unloaded the gun and placed it aside. 

"You've been cooped up here ever since the deal was sealed. You need to take a short break, if not you will collapse from exhaustion even before the rescue operation." He looked at me in worry while eyeing on the targets which had been filled with holes repeatedly. 

"I know I should, but I just want to make sure that nothing will go wrong on the day itself. One wrong move could cost us many lives. I can only relax once everything is over." He took my hand in his as he slowly caressed over the small callouses in my palm. I was holding the gun more tight than usual and I did not even realise that until now. 

"I'm sure everything will be fine, just promise me that you will stop going so hard on yourself, okay?" I sighed, as I gave a small nod to his reply. 

Ariana Romano

"You had better eat this up before I shove them into your mouth for you." The man kicked the tray of food he served angrily. It had been three days since I refused to eat any of the food they gave me. 

It was precisely I knew that Caroline would not dare to kill me just yet, because I was still of some use for her. But if I could somewhat starve myself to death here, she would have no way of making Reine to meet her. Then Reine would not be in danger, no?

The only thing that was keeping me from killing myself right now is the tight chains used to bound me onto the chair. There was no way for me to break this and kill myself or escape. 

I rolled my eyes at the man, who wanted to move forward to slap me, but was stopped by the sound of approaching footsteps. The moment she appeared at the door, he retracted his hand and stepped back, not before sending me a death glare.

"I suggest you to eat that now because it's going to be a long, long day ahead. Surely you aren't thinking of starving yourself until you drop dead, hm?" Her long and polished nails lifted my chin up, forcing my eyes to look into hers. 

The vicious glint in her eyes made me worry more for Reine, just what the hell does she have in mind for her? 

She then picked up the sandwich as she pried open my mouth and stuffed it in, with me choking on it a little as it was too dry for me to even chew. I spat it out on the ground, and coughed out, "At least give me some water before I choke to death." 

She glared at me harshly before picking up the bottle of water and shoved it in front of my face and I took sips from the bottle. There was nothing I could do to help to make this situation better, so I had to obey her to prevent her from doing anything drastic. 

After I was done, she waved her hand to her men and they immediately took away the empty tray. I expected her to leave right after, but she stayed after her men left the room. 

"Why are you trying to kill Reine? What did she ever do to you to make you bore such hatred towards her?" I asked, since there was no better opportunity to ever figure out what she was thinking.

"She should have died with her father that night, for standing at his side and going against me." She yelled hysterically, making me shrink back in fear. 

"That shouldn't be the excuse for wanting to kill your own flesh and blood. You're insane." I breathed out, as she shot daggers at me for my words.

"I will show you what's insanity very soon." She whispered loudly in my face and finally stalked out of the room. 

I closed my eyes shut in relief the moment she left, leaving my heart wildly pounding against my ribcage as I prayed in silence that no tragedy will strike tonight. 

updated! apologies for the long wait!

Happy reading! -20/12/22

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