Chapter 59

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Alexander Romano

Pacing up and down along the aisle of the corridor, my heart pumped anxiously as all of us crowd outside of the operating room. Damian had just regained his consciousness just a moment ago and he insisted on getting off his bed to check on Reine. Both of them had suffered quite an amount of injuries given the severity of the accident. 

Reine was bleeding heavily from her abdomen when we got to the scene. Blood was everywhere and I could not even tell whose blood it belonged. It was a horrific sight to witness even though we had all witnessed much bloody scenes. But it was another story when the people involved are your family. To make the matter worse,  Ari was missing on the other hand. She was not in the car with them or anywhere to be found. It is only logical to conclude that the car accident happened because they wanted to kidnap Ari. 

I had sent Lucas and Gabriel to work on the investigating part with the rest of my men while the rest of us waited outside the room for Eli to be done. 

Looking down at the dried up blood on my hands, I rubbed them against the hem of my shirt as I shook away the image of my sister laying in a small pool of her own blood beside a burning car. She could have died if we were a second later. We could have lost her. Again. 

Balling my hands into tight fists, I made a silent vow to make sure that they will not get to see the next day's light again after we get Ari back. 

The sound of footsteps made me turned my head over, with Eli stepping out of the operating theatre in his scrubs. All of us rushed forward like a swarm of bees attracted to a pot of honey, eager to find out Reine's condition.

"How is she?"

"Is she awake?"

Eli took off his mask as he announced, "I've managed to stop the bleeding in her abdomen, and thankfully the bleeding wasn't too deep. I had also ran some check ups on her and no signs of internal injuries, only some external ones which can be healed within a week's time. But none of you can visit her now as the anaesthesia had yet to wear off, you can only visit her in about two hours time." All of us seemed to release a small sigh of relief upon hearing the great news. 

Although it was great that Reine was safe and sound, we would now have to work on getting Ari out safely and catching the mastermind. Aunt Giana stayed behind to watch over Reine, just in case anything happens. 

I had also contacted Roman about the accident and he jumped on the plane right after he received news about it. He should be reaching here in about an hour's time. 

Ariana Romano

The pounding in my head and the eerily silent atmosphere shook me awake, as I opened my eyes only to find myself blindfolded. I was tied down to a chair and I could smell something like petrol oil from my surroundings. The last thing I remembered was the exchange of shootings between us and the cars behind us, followed by the car crash.

Shit. The crash. I hope Reine and Damian are ok. 

I fidgeted in the seat, trying to loosen up the ropes around my wrists but to no avail. A burning sensation wrapped around my wrists as I hissed a little and stopped. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps approaching me made me stopped whatever I was trying to do. 

I managed to catch a small whiff of the air and the perfume scent hit me in the face. It couldn't be, right?

The blindfold was roughly pulled off from my face, making me jerked back a little and closed my eyes shut as my eyes tried to adjust to the sudden light rays. 

The person standing in front of me caused me to widen my eyes, unable to get a single word out of my mouth. 

"It's been long, Ariana. Feels great to see my daughter dearest again, don't you think so?" Her appearance made me quivered in fear, because she was supposed to be dead, wasn't she? 

Roman Parker

As soon as the plane touched down, I dashed towards the exit and jumped off, heading towards the car which was parked at the side. I should have trusted my gut feeling and not leave Ray alone this morning. 

I ordered the driver to drive at the fastest speed he could afford to get to the Romano's. 

The driver was great at his job and indeed we arrived within 20 minutes. I walked into the living room, only to find their entire family was either typing furiously on the laptop or flipping through the mountains of paper piled on the table. 

"Where's Ray?" I asked, not giving a single fuck that I looked absolutely furious now that I could pull my gun out and shoot whoever is in front of me. 

Elijah Romano stood up and replied, "She's still under anaesthesia, so she's not-" 

I cut him off by walking straight towards the stairs and headed upwards, not caring if he does not let me see her. I need to see it myself that she was safe and not in danger. 

A middle aged woman stood up abruptly as she saw me, but I walked past her as I slowly walked into the infirmary. Ray was laying on the bed, with a heart monitor connected to her finger and a soft beeping to signify her steady heartbeats. It felt too familiar. 

The only difference was that at least she was not on oxygen support and with those sickeningly looking wires stuck everywhere on her. She had suffered several cuts on her arms, and a bandage on the right side of her forehead. 

At that moment, Elijah Romano came running after me and several others. Even Damian came in. He looked tired and battered, but he nodded his head lightly at the sight of me. I knew he had tried his best to protect Ray, but there were too many for him to fight off. No matter how strong he was, no one could fight off three cars worth of enemies and leave unscathed. 

All of a sudden, the heart monitor increased in rate and my heart was ready to drop when I noticed the flickering of Ray's eyelids. Elijah Romano had noticed too, as he stepped forward to check on her vitals.

"Ave, can you hear me?" He called out gently. Her eyelids moved slightly as she finally peeled open her eyes. 

She looked around the surrounding as she tried to sit up in the bed, which I immediately helped her to it. 

"Ari, where's Ari?" 

Those were her first words but yet none of us could answer her. 

updated! will try to finish up the story hopefully by the end of this month (a.k.a. this year) so that I can stop keeping all of you hanging JWNSJWNSJNW 

Happy reading! - 12/12/2022

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