Chapter 34

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Ariana Romano

I woke up to a splitting headache. The dream that I just had left me speechless because it felt so real, as though I had really seen her. Eliz appeared in my dreams for the first time in 4 years. Ever since she was gone, I had been praying silently that she could at least come into my dreams once. Not a single of those wishes had came true. But this time round, it did.

I saw her in front of me, and she even smiled at me. But what changed was the way she looked. The Eliz whom I saw in my dreams had a shoulder length jet black hair, and a pair of beautiful dark coloured eyes. Though she had a pair of glasses framed onto her face, one can clearly tell how beautiful she was with or without the glasses. It felt surreal looking at her, as though she was real.

I was still spacing out as I had not noticed that there was someone who entered my room. I had only reacted by looking up when I felt the bed dipped slightly on the other side. It was Mason, he got a look which seemed like he had just seen or heard something unbelievable.

We had gotten closer ever since Eliz's death, as we would often share about our past memories that we had with Eliz to each other, you can say that it was a way for us to cope. Without it, I probably would have kept everything to myself. I was thankful that at least there was someone who cared for her when none of our brothers did.

"Are you okay? You looked....kind of dazed." I tilt my head slightly at him, as he nodded blankly at my question. I moved myself slightly forward and said,"You know, just now I had a dream, it was a very rare dream, even rarer than seeing a blue moon. I saw Eliz in my dream." I smiled at the thought of it and continued,"She placed a pair of headphones over me and smiled at me. I don't know why but it just felt so real, as if she-"

"It's her, she's real. You weren't dreaming, Ari." Mason cut me off while I was still going on about how I dreamt about Eliz. Wait. What did he say again?

"Wait. Can you repeat yourself?" I checked once again. And he looked at me in the eye and repeated,"Ave, Avery, she's alive. That headphones on your nightstand. It's real." He then eyed on the pair of headphones on the nightstand as I turned my gaze to it. How come I did not realise that it was there just now?

I picked up the headphones and looked at it. It took me a while to digest the news.

It's real. She's alive. The words finally sunk in and the muscles on my face formed into a smile before I even know.

She's alive.

Alexander Romano

Slicing off the bastard's last finger, he screamed loudly in agony as blood poured out of his nose, his badly sliced hands and his abdomen. Enzo did quite a lot of shit to him. It was probably all the anger and frustration cooped up in him.

After a while more of the torturing, he finally decided to tell us whatever he knows. I rolled up my bloody sleeves as I played with the knife in my hand, trying to squeeze out every bit of information from him before killing him off.

"I... I don't know much about the person. They used a voice changer every time they had to call me. There.... there wasn't much interaction between us besides the first time they contacted me and offered me a job. I don't even know those guys who were shooting together with me! All they told me to do was to shoot at you guys. That's all I know! Please let me go!" He begged, with blood dripping out from his mouth each time he spoke.

"Our sisters could have been dead, thanks to you guys. Why don't you go beg the Satan to let you go to heaven instead?" I spat at him, finishing off by slicing his throat with the knife in my hand. His eyes widened as he choked on his blood slowly, and eventually fell limp onto the ground in a puddle of his own blood.

I tossed the knife on the ground and my men immediately sprung into action and started cleaning up the mess while I took the stairs up and headed straight to my room.

Stripping off the bloody mess that was clinging onto my body, I stepped into the shower and turned on the faucet. As I stood under the shower head, I processed the words that he had just said. I could not think of any organisations besides those that we already have.

We were not on good terms with the Brazilian, but it was not so bad to a point that they would just randomly hire non professionals to finish us off. The part which was confusing me was that the men who were trying to kill us back then were all from different places. The only similarity they had was that they were all ex-criminals. Other than that, I cannot pinpoint any further.

Finishing up the shower, I stepped out of the bathroom and dried myself before putting on a fresh set of clothes before heading to Ari's room to check on her since I was informed that she had woken up quite a while ago.

Knocking gently on her door, I heard her consent before entering the room. She was on her bed, fiddling with the headphones in her hands. It was the pair of headphones which Avy had placed on her ears to calm her down during her panic attack. Seeing how she was staring at it, she must have heard the news too.

"Ari, how are you feeling?" I asked, since it had been ages since she had a panic attack.

"Much better." She lifted her head and looked away from the headphones. Not maintaining the eye contact for long, she looked back down again and sighed softly,"I want to see her again. But I don't think she will feel the same."

I sighed along with her and replied,"She might not want to see us, but I'm sure she had missed you too, as much as you did. We will find her again once we have settled the work here." I assured her, and she perked up at my words.

Her eyes shone with excitement and happiness, like what Avy once did whenever she looked at us. But now, it held nothing but anger and hatred for us. It hurts us to see the sister whom once loved us so much, probably even more than she loved herself, to look at us in a way that we would never imagine. It was retribution, because we finally understood the cruel way that we used back then, at the young and innocent 5-year-old.

We were the ones who singlehandedly destroyed the love and trust she had for us. And whether or not if we will be able to get it back is an underlying question.

Nevertheless, we will try. Even if it means death.

double updates! surprise!!!! finally got some time off for today and decided to squeeze all my brain juice for these 2 chapters! hope they were good ones HEHEH <3

Happy reading! -5/10/2022

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