Chapter 41

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Lorenzo Romano

We all sat in the plane with uneasy hearts, praying that Avery will be all right. Alexander was still busy trying to get into contact with Roman Parker, but all his efforts went unanswered. Ari was biting on her nails nervously the whole time, ever since she heard the news. 

The ride felt like an eternity, despite that it was only a 2 hours journey. We immediately jumped off the plane the moment it had landed safely on land, and dashed towards the cars which had been prepared. We were now on our way to the Parker's mansion. 

It seemed that Roman Parker had already informed his men of our alliance, given that his men let us into the mansion the moment they spotted our cars. Walking into the house, bloodstains could be seen splattered all over the place, some of his men were still carrying out dead bodies. Servants were busy cleaning up the pools of blood on the ground. Everything was in chaos. 

Just then, a man, whom I recognised as Roman Parker's trusted man, his name was something that started with the letter D. Dylan? Darren? I couldn't remember the exact name. 

He had a stoic face, guiding us upstairs and led us to a room which had white curtains covering the interior of the room. Turning to face us, he said solemnly, "Mr Parker was shot on his shoulders through the sudden ambush last night, and Miss Parker had been by his side the whole night. I would appreciate if only a few of you will enter the room so as to not disturb Mr Parker's rest." Somehow we all breathed a sigh of relief when we found out that Avery was unharmed. 

Alex decided that only him and Uncle Ezra will be the ones to enter the room, much to the rest of our protests. However, our protests had no effect on the both of them after one stern look from Alex. We could only stand near to the window out side the room and tried our best to peek into the room. 

Reine Parker

Damian had just informed me of their sudden arrival, which kind of shocked me. As much as I did not want to let them in, that was not possible since they had formed an alliance with Roman, and it would not look good. 

Squeezing out the excess water of the towel, I gently picked up Roman's hand as I wiped down his hand. He was still deeply asleep after the bullet in his shoulders were removed. Although he had lost quite a large amount of blood, I was thankful that it did not hit any main arteries. 

A soft click of the door knob was heard and I guessed that it was them. Placing the towel back into the basin of water, I turned around to face whoever came in. It was Alexander and Ezra Romano, the man whom I once loved besides my father. He was like my second father, who loved both me and Ari ever since we were young. But he was no where different from those people who claimed to be my brothers.

He believed that I was responsible for his brother's death as well, not caring whether if that excuse was even logical in the first place. It's true that I had respected him and looked up to him like a second father. But it was all gone now. 

Looking at him standing in front of made me realised how much he had aged over the years. He was looking at me the same way on the night of the ball, with so much desperation and guilt swarming in his eyes. I almost caved in if not for the memory that had just flashed across my mind. I must not falter. 

Before any of them could speak, I spoke softly as I did not want to disturb Roman, "Let's go out, Roman needs his rest." They nodded at my words, as they turned around and headed for the door. 

The moment I stepped out of the infirmary, I was tackled in a hug. It was Ari. She buried her head in the crook of my neck as her arms clung onto my waist tightly. It felt weird to me, probably because I had not hugged her for so long. 

"You're alive, Eliz. You don't know how much I've missed you." She mumbled, as I felt some of her tears touched my neck. Lifting up my hands, I slowly wrapped them on her back as I returned her hug. 

I was the first to pull away from the hug, and a voice interrupted, "You're hurt, Avery." I lifted my eyes and faced Lucas, who pointed at my bandaged wound. 

"Just a small cut." I replied to him in a monotone, as Ari tried to take a closer look at my wound. Mason took a step forward, while I showed no attempt in moving backwards. Worry was obvious in his eyes, as I made a small smile at him, assuring that I was fine. The rest noticed our interactions, but they did not make any comments on it. Not that I would care, and it's a fact that I only talk to Mason and Ari out of them all. 

"Do you guys have any idea of who were the ones attacking you all last night?" Lorenzo asked softly, or at least he tried. It did not sound like his usual self,  not especially when I was already used to the angry Lorenzo for all those years, who would throw glares and blame me whether he was drunk or not. 

"No, we haven't got the chance to, not when Roman is still down." The lump in my throat returned at the mention of Roman, who took a bullet for me. 

"We'll help, so don't worry." Ezra added, almost sounding too eager to help us. I merely nodded at his offer, then took Ari and headed for the living room. We all settled into our seats, with Ari on  my side. 

"First of all, I just want to make myself clear that this will be the first and last time that I'm saying this. For whatever reasons you have in the future, I hope that your visit will be announced before all of you show up in our house. I get that we have an alliance formed between us, but this doesn't mean that you can show up whenever you wish." I eyed at every single one of them, while keeping my tone stern and firm, leaving no place for arguments or excuses. 

"We understand, for that, I apologise for any inconvenience that we have caused." Alexander was the first to speak up despite the hurt that flashed passed in his eyes. I gave no response to his words, until Damian came into the living room and told me that Roman was awake. 

I immediately stood up from my seat and dashed towards the infirmary. 

Roman was awake. 

updated! personally I do not think that this chapter was good because it sounded kind of repetitive :')

had been low on ideas lately so the recent chapters had been rather dry and boring; hopefully I will be inspired tomorrow and at least have an amazing update 

Happy reading! -14/10/2022

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