Chapter 21

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Vincenzo Ricasso

Ariana and I sat at the living room silently, waiting for new updates on Avery's whereabouts. The things that I've just heard from Ariana was still settling within me. Avery was accused as the murdered who killed her father. Her brothers all blamed her for his death and getting Ariana taken away by her mother. She had been living in guilt for the past 14 years.

Everything swamped around in my mind. Was that why she looked lifeless whenever I see her? She was blaming herself for something she had not done and the guilt was killing her from inside. And I knew nothing about these. 

What else do I not know?

Lorenzo Romano

Swinging punches after punches at the sandbag in front of me, I panted heavily after throwing the last punch at it. Her words from that night, were swarming around in my head continuously. 

But it wasn't easy for me either, to choose between my twin or the brothers whom I've loved so dearly.

I clenched my fist tight and swung another punch towards the sandbag. 

On some days, I would resent dad for telling me to always stay with you all no matter what.

Another punch. 

So Enzo, until then, can't you all just love me a little?

And I stopped.

Why did she have to choose between Ari and us? What the fuck exactly happened that night that all of us didn't know about? 

An uneasy feeling settled at the pit of my stomach and I couldn't ignore that feeling, no matter how hard I try. I need to get to the bottom of her words, so she will have to come back alive, no matter what? 

She has to make herself clear, right?

Avery Romano

Blood dripped out of my mouth, as I winced silently in pain from the beatings. This was Felix Parker's so-called farewell gift to me before killing me. I must really thank him for that, even in hell. 

The two bastards in front of me finally stopped throwing their torrents of punches and I spat out the mouthful of blood. They then left the room and another bastard walked in. That's right, Felix Parker himself just walked in. 

Gawking at my beaten up state, a look of satisfaction wiped across his face. Sick bastard. He moved forward and bent down, gripping my jaw and held my face upright, directly facing him. 

"My farewell gift looks good on you, if I must say." He smirked, as I rolled my eyes at him, too weak to rip my face away from his tight grip. My head was pounding non-stop as I placed my hand on the side of my head, an attempt to stop the pounding. I was glad that the ropes had came loose during the beating and they did not bother to tie me back. 

"Come on, time to call your Mason dearest for your last words and let them hear the pain that you're suffering now." He gripped a fistful of my hair and dragged me to a chair, where a phone was placed on it. My scalp burnt as he released my hair and tossed me onto the ground. 

He must be using a burner phone for the call, judging how he would not have the guts to use a proper phone to make the call, in fear that he would be tracked down. Coward. 

A string of numbers was displayed on the screen and I immediately recognised that as Mason's phone number. I had his number memorised by heart because he used to make me do that when I was young, just in case I was lost somewhere and didn't have a phone with me. 

The line was connected after a few moments. "Who's speaking?" His voice sounded angry, probably because of me? The guilt in me rose as I softly called out his name,"Mason."

There were a lot of scrambling heard in the background as his gentle tone took over,"Ave? Ave, are you okay?" His question had unknowingly brought tears to my eyes, I nodded my head, then realised that he couldn't see that through the line so I replied,"Hm, I'm fine, Mason. I'm sorry." 

"Why are you sorry for? Just, bear with it for a little while more, okay? We're still working on it, but we'll get you out soon." 

Just as I was about to speak, Felix Parker interrupted,"You don't have to waste your time to work on that, I will help all of you to save that energy. Turn on your camera, Romano." The screen of the phone immediately showed Mason's face, with a lot of the rest at the back. My breath hitched at the back of my throat a little when I noticed Vince at the side, staring intensely at the screen, as though he was right in front of me. 

"You fucking piece of shit laid your hands on her? Just wait till we get your location, we will make sure you beg for death to come faster than ever." Mason spat out, his eyes were bloodshot. He definitely didn't sleep for days, probably ever since the day I was gone. 

Felix Parker then grabbed me by the arm harshly and threw me on a chair, he said,"Say your last words and I will send you on your way right after." Curses were heard from the other side of the screen but all I heard and see was Bea. 

"Eliz, don't give up, please. They're going to save you soon." I swallowed the lump in my throat, feeling the stabbing pain in there, it's been days since I even had a drop of water. 

"Bea, don't cry, it okay." I forced out the slightest smile as a stray tear slid from the corner of my eye. She broke down into tears as she shook her head,"It's not, Eliz. It's not okay, nothing will be okay. There are still so many things that we have yet to do as sisters, it's not okay..." Aunt Giana took Bea into her embrace as she slowly comforted her. 

I wiped my face with the back of my hand and I swiped away the stray hair that were stuck to the side of my face due to sweat and blood. Inhaling a small intake of breath, I continued,"Mason, can me one last favour?" 

Tears were pooling up in his eyes but he didn't let them fall. He looked at me through the camera and replied,"No, I refuse. Come back alive and do it yourself, I won't do it for you."

I ignored his remarks, because I knew it was impossible by now. 

"Mason, please. Take care of Bea, just like how you cared for me all these years. That's something that I won't be able to do and only you can help me." 

updated! so sorry for the long wait WNSOJKNSWKO it's been a hectic week as one of my family member was down with covid so I have to help out more in the house and at the same time doing my internship (cries in all languages)

finally found the time to update so here it is! hopefully next week will be a better week!

Happy reading! -16/9/2022

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