Epilogue 2

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Vincenzo Ricasso

Placing the gun down on the counter, I took off the protective gears as I clicked on the button to check on the targets I shot. Most of them were mainly at the bullseye, with two shots slightly further away but would be a vital point anyways.

I sighed as I ripped the paper off from the holder and walked off towards the resting area. I was definitely not in the mood for training now because I had just learnt about Reine's decision on moving back to England to further her studies. Not that I was opposed to it, but I have yet to ask her out or anything. 

Burying my face into my hands, I groaned out in frustration. A sudden tap on my shoulder got me looking up, only to find Elijah looking down at me with a small smile etched on his face. 

"You guys are still not an item yet?" He teased, as I tilted my head lightly towards him and gawked at him in surprise.

"Wait, you knew?" I asked. 

He smirked a little, "Only a blind wouldn't be able to see how in love you both are. Though I'm not sure if Enzo falls under that category." I laughed at his words. 

I sighed again, as reality hits me once more in the face, "Reine's leaving soon, and I've yet to even ask her out or do shit." 

Elijah furrowed his eyebrows as he shot me a weird look, "Then ask her out now?" 

"It's easy for you to say, but I'm just worried. What if she wants to keep us this way because she's moving away soon?" I fidgeted with my fingers as the endless what ifs swarmed around my head.

Elijah sighed as he took a seat beside me. 

"And what makes you think you're going to fine just by sitting here and thinking about scenarios that might not even happen. Are you Reine herself?" He asked, as I shook my head to his question. 

"That's right, you aren't her, so you don't know what she's thinking about. Instead of fighting with your inner self the whole time, you might as well come up with suitable plans to ask her out. And let me just remind you that this is one of the very rare chance that I will encourage a guy to chase after my sister. So if you miss this chance, don't blame me for hindering your pursue in the future." He nudged me in the elbow, signalling for me to get going with my plans. 

He was right, I should not be wasting time here over imagining things. I stood up instantly, as I muttered a quick, "Thanks, bro." before heading towards the door.

Running into the house, I looked around frantically for Drea. I need her advice now. Mum walked out of the kitchen as she saw me looking around the house. 

"What are you looking for, Enzo?" She asked, as I replied, "Drea." 

"She's in school now, do you need anything? Perhaps I can search it for you." She offered. I bit the bottom of my lips as I debated, mum would probably be able to understand too.

As soon as I finished telling her about my worries about me and Reine, she gave me a slap on the back. 

"Everything's been over for so long and you're still here? Gosh, don't tell me you're waiting for Reine to suggest a step further in your relationship." She scrunched up her nose at me, something that she would do when she's feeling terribly annoyed. 

"Mum! I know I'm stupid, but I just need some advice now. Save the mocking for later." I mumbled, feeling the tip of my ears going hot. Mum shot a cheeky look at me but proceeded to taking out her laptop and showed me some of the amazing places where dad took her before. 

Closing her laptop, she reminded, "Son, don't be too nervous. And if you don't get me back my daughter-in-law, you can forget about coming home." She winked at me as I shook my head at her antics, she never failed to amaze me even though she's my mother. 

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