Chapter 39

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Mateo Romano

The ride home was filled in silence, because everyone was feeling dejected after hearing what Avery had said to us. It was as clear as day that she made it clear how much she hated us, not that we have anything to say about that. 

As much as we know that she would hate us for whatever we did to her, we did not know hearing that from her personally could hurt so much. 

'You could have at least give me the benefit of doubt.'

Her words still rung in my ears. Why didn't we give her the benefit of doubt back then? We claimed that we love our sisters, but when times like this arrives, the least we could do was to believe them. But yet we did not. 

Uncle Ezra and the rest were sent home first and the four of us only headed home after they were dropped off at their house. The moment we reached home, Enzo headed straight for his room and slammed the door in anger. 

Ari walked out of her room in confusion, unaware of what Enzo was angry about again. She walked up to me and softly whispered, "Did you guys manage to see Eliz tonight?" I nodded my head at her and her eyes brightened up instantly, but the smile on her face fell. 

"I should have gone too, then I would have been able to see her." She sighed in disappointment. I remained silent, while Alexander headed up to his office and Eli went to the kitchen. 

Alexander Romano

Resting my head against the headrest of the armchair, I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply. What are we going to do in order to let Avery accept us as her brothers, her family again? As much as I hate the idea of her thinking of Roman Parker as her brother, I could not deny the fact of how thankful I was to him. If not for him, she would have really been dead. 

Not to mention the way Avery looked at him just like the way she used to look at us. We were the ones who destroyed the love she had for us, so now we were suffering the consequences of it. Although her words meant for all of us, I'm sure she still love Mason as her own brother. The interaction between them did not go unnoticed by me just now. 

They probably met each other during the ball. It was no surprise that she still treats Mason like a brother. He had always been by her side even after the incident, even after all of us started ignoring her existence. 

All of a sudden, a man of mine knocked on my door and hurriedly ran forward to my desk the moment I gave him permission to enter the room. He placed a box on my desk and reported,"Sir, this box was found at the corner of the main gate just a while ago. We scanned the box for any signs of explosives but it's safe, so we did not open it." I nodded my head at him and he left the room instantly.

Scrutinising the appearance of the box, nothing seemed to be unusual but the sudden flashback to the box which we had received back then, which contained a note to threaten Ari's life, flashed through my mind. Carefully removing the cover of the box, I placed it on the side of my desk as I looked into the content of the box.

Inside the box was a gun that was covered in blood and I looked at the cover, realising that there was a piece of note attached to the underneath. It says, 'The game starts now. I won't stop until I get what I want. The blood will soon belong to one of your sisters.' 

The last sentence caught my attention as I felt my blood boiling. I would not have paid attention to such measly threat if it was directed at me. But the fact that both Avy and Ari were mentioned in the note meant so much. They were in danger because of the mafia. 

I then notified Uncle Ezra the very next day and all of us gathered at the meeting room for an impromptu meeting. Everyone was pissed off. But we did not have a suspect in mind, given that all the families knew that we had sisters. However, the fact that they were bold enough to send a threat directly to the family would meant that they might be closer than we thought. Was it someone within the family?

"What does the person meant by 'the game'?" asked Lucas. 

"Not sure, but definitely nothing good and something sickening." muttered Gabriel. 

"We should inform Ave about this, shouldn't we? She's in danger too." Mason, for the first time sounding out during a meeting. 

I nodded at his question then pondered for a moment before answering, "Yeah, we need to. But I was thinking to form an alliance with the German again, so that not only we will be able to see Avery, but also to catch the mastermind behind this. It's a win-win situation for us." 

I looked over to Uncle Ezra, who was nodding his head as he processed what I had just said. 

"It's a good idea, but the problem is that whether or not Roman Parker would be willing to cooperate with us. Given how his attitude towards us last night, I'm pretty sure that he would not be willing to do so." 

"We would think about that when the time comes, it's more important to ensure that both Ari and Avery are safe before we take any other actions." I announced, with all of them agreeing to my words. 

After the meeting, I made a call to Roman Parker who was sounded very unwilling and annoyed when I had suggested a meet up with him. He had only agreed when he heard that it was about Avery. At that point of time, I had an idea of how to make him to agree to the alliance. 

"What do you mean Reine is in danger?" The German Don crossed his leg across the other, as he questioned my words. Signalling for one of my man to bring the box over, I showed him the evidence to prove my words. He furrowed his eyebrows deeply as he scanned through the piece of note and the bloody gun. 

"I shall be straightforward about my intentions today. As you can see, Avery is being threatened and all of us are worried that both her and her sister will be in danger at any point in time. My suggestion here is to form an alliance between the two families and get out the mastermind as soon as possible." His gaze remained unfazed at my propose, but it was clear that he was hesitating. 

Deciding to give a final push, I said, "I know you dislike me because we have all hurt Avery before, but right now she's in danger. And are you sure that you will be able to keep her safe by yourself? I'm sure you wouldn't want to take that risk." He muttered something under his breath, something along the lines of, "I'm gonna be fucking slaughtered by her for agreeing to this shit."

He threw one last glance at the box and inhaled sharply before he gave an answer, "Fine, I will do the alliance with you. But under one condition, don't you all dare try to make use of this opportunity to mess with Reine again." He threw a death glare at me. 

I rolled my eyes at his words and gruffed out, "Yeah, sure."

With that, we shook our hands unwillingly to seal the deal. 

First step: to get closer to Avy. Done. 

double updates! managed to free up some time today so here it is! I walked so much today that I think my legs are coming off now. Be right back fixing them T_T

and sad thing was that I'm still gonna be out tomorrow and I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to even walk UwU

Happy reading! -10/10/2022

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