12. She Seems Happy

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Smut. (Sorta...)
6:15 am

    The clock read on the night stand. You felt rustling in the bed. Opening your eyes you see a blurred version of Ally packing a small luggage bag. You began to sit up. "Shh, go back to sleep it's okay." She reassured you. "Where are you going?"

    "Work called, there's a problem that just came up. I'll be back tonight, I'm so sorry." Ally came over kissing your cheek. "Do you need me to watch Oz?" You asked. "If you're okay with it or I can call the babysitter." Ally started to grab her phone. "No, I got it. We'll be fine." You noticed the tension leaving her shoulders as she let out a breath. "Okay, well school starts at 7:45 and you'll have to drop him off and pick him up around 2:30." Ally explains and you nod to her directions.

    You'd be lying if you said you weren't worried about her leaving for work, especially out of town. It wasn't that you didn't trust her it was the fact that those words brought you back to all those times Billie had "work trips".

    Ally could see the reluctance in your eyes. "I promise I'll be back tonight. You don't have to worry." Ally planted one last kiss before walking out of the bedroom and heading downstairs. You followed her. "Are you sure you want to stay with him? I completely understand since you two just met." Ally starts to ramble, hating to put this responsibility on you so soon. "We'll be fine, he's a great kid." You rub her arm. She lets out a breath mouthing an okay.

    "Ozzy, wake up" you rub the boy's shoulder nudging him awake. He stirs in his bed, rubbing his eyes before reaching for his glasses. "Where's mom?" He asks sleepily. Helping him out of bed and with his clothes for the day, "she has a work thing. She'll be back tonight." He nods.

    Taking your hand, he follows you to the kitchen where you make him breakfast and also help pack his lunch. This mom thing isn't so hard. You threw on some other clothes of Ally's other than pajamas to drop Oz off in. You didn't want to be that kind of person that drops their kid in pajamas, embarrassing them.

"Alright you ready?" You grabbed Oz's coat holding it out for him. He slipped it on, putting his backpack on his shoulders.

The drive to his school wasn't long nor hard to find, considering it was the only district in close to town. Listening to the morning radio for most of the ride, Oz kept his eyes to the window in the backseat. "Hey Y/N?" His small voice broke silence. "Yeah?" You looked at him through the rear view mirror. "Do you like my mom?" He said so casually. That's something you didn't understand with kids. How they can say things without a care in the world.

You went to open your mouth, but no words came out. His gaze was still on you waiting for an answer. Kids always needed an answer. It is seven in the morning dude. "Well.." you pulled into the car line at the school. "Yeah I guess I do." Putting the car in park so he could get out. "Is that okay with you?" You asked. He paused a moment to think. "Yeah you're pretty cool. And she seems happy." He opened the car door. "That's good, I'm glad." Your hands gripping the steering wheel. "Bye Y/N!" Oz waves as he walks to the front door of the school.

    After dropping Oz off, you went back to your house. As soon as you stepped foot through the front door the feeling in the air immediately changed. It was still and quiet. Not being in your own home weeks on end made the wood floors feel colder than usual. 

    This didn't feel like your home anymore.  You went up to the bedroom where it looked ransacked from Billies multiple trips here gather her things. You have a vague memory of leaving it this much of a mess. A very light layer dust had collected on the vanity in the corner.

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