13. Call the Medium

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TW- gore imagery? (Not too graphic)


August 23rd

911 operator:
"911 where your emergency?"

"Please help- I think she's dead!"

911 operator:
"Who is dead?"

"My boss! Hurry, send someone!"
*mumbles* "she's not moving"

911 operator:
"Okay breathe for me. What is your address?"

"505 W End Ave. Penthouse, NY"  "she's not moving- please"

911 operator:
"Now what is your name?"

"Erika Arinson"

911 operator:
"And who is your boss?"

"Billie. Billie Dean Howard."


August 24th

You were on the phone with the New York Police Department all morning trying to get something out of them.

Ally was in the kitchen cleaning up breakfast as she listened to the conversation. "Okay. Thank you." You hung up the phone slamming it on the counter. "This is just like Billie, to die in another state making it 10x harder for everyone else" Ally came up behind you wrapping her arms around you. "We'll get this mess all sorted out." She kissed your cheek.

Your phone rings. "Hello?" It was the police. Ally watches your face change as you are speaking. "Okay, yes." You look at her with a glimmer in your eyes. "Alright thank you so much. Bye."

You put the phone back on the counter, this time not as aggressive. "The NYPD is sending picture evidence to the department here, and they have a search warrant for the house." You take Ally's hands in yours letting out a breath.

"I'm sorry. Is it weird I still care?" Ally brought you into her, rubbing your shoulders. "No it's not weird. This isn't something any of us expected to happen."


A few days went by. Nothing but worry and frustration coursed through your mind. A series of questions kept you up at night. Late nights in the living room just being..late nights into the hours where Ally would have to urge you back to bed. "I miss you." She'd say after confessing her i love you's and goodnights. That is, if her attempts where successful.

But this morning, would finally end your restless nights...

     A knock on the door about 8am disturbed the home. You got up from the couch separating from Ally's arms and Oz who was watching his morning cartoons. "Who's that?" The brunette asked seeing as you were looking through the window. You opened the door.

"Y/N Dean Howard?" An older man with a straightened stature when he pulled out a badge that read Detective.
"Yes?"  The man looked back at the house across the street. Your house. Definitely didn't feel like home. This was your home.

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