Banished from Asgard

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Odin: You are hereby banished from Asgard and all the nine realms! But you will reside and be banished to Midgard. For your crimes against Asgard and against your family, the family of Odinson, this shall be my decree. You will no longer be allowed to step foot an any other realm, your powers and magic will be stripped away and you will be completely mortal!

Loki: How am I to survive with no magic? Yes this shall be your will but leave me with something, you cannot expect me to be bare handed!

Odin: You won't be! I will provide you with all the money you will ever need, a mansion, your choice of car, you will want for nothing. But this is all. You may say goodbye to your mother and brother now, then you will be banished from Asgard forever.

Loki: You can't be serious! What have I done to deserve this fate? I have done nothing wrong! Those people deserved to die and by my hand! This is what I get for defending your name, defending Asgard from an uprising of tyrants!

Odin: THEY WERE MY TRUSTED ADVISORS! They no more deserved to die as the same as you deserve the throne! The throne will never be yours, it belongs to Thor!

Loki: I should have joined Hella in her uprising and killed you then! You say I'm adopted, but what about Thor? He is the only one with golden locks of hair and I and hella both have raven hair! Something you kept from mother maybe? You think I don't know what you have done? Your exploits, the constant women in your bed? How long have you drugged mother to believe these are her children? I've seen it, and I have discovered the truth, and this is why you are banishing me!



And with that Loki was blasted to Midgard in a blink of an eye. The truth was Loki had discovered Odin's secret about his sister Hella and Of Thor. Hella didnot belong to Frigga but to another woman from the Ceries sector, who Odin had killed after she was born. He drugged Frigga to believe she was her child! And yes Thor did actually belong to Frigga and Odin, but this was not enough for Frigga. After she had found out the truth about her beloved Odin, she in turn went to see Lauefy as he impregnated her, and Loki was born. This was her vengeance, her revenge. This explained why he hated Loki so much! His story was a complete lie about finding him. Frigga detested the fact that Hella was banished, she may not have bore her but this was a child she tried raising, but the slightest resistance from Hella, and Odin had her banished. Although she grew evil and full of hatred, Frigga still loved her as she did all her children. But with Odin being the all father and ruler of Asgard, and keeper of the nine realms, she had very little say on what he did. Odin followed his own path and had numerous children with other woman who turned out to be be plain humans, the only ones he kept are the ones who had displayed powers at a young age, being Hella and Thor, and for his exploits, Frigga was aloud to keep Loki. In a way Odin did love Loki, after all he did raise all his children, until Hella displayed her evil side, he had her banished for questioning the great Odin, just as he was doing to Loki for finding out the truth. Thor had become heart broken at the decision his father had made concerning his only brother, but he dare not question it. He did not want the same fate as the others. He simply kept his mouth shut and sat on the sidelines watching everything unfold.

As Loki arrived in Midgard, he was thrust upon a vacant lot of land that was surrounded by mountains and lush greenery with a babbling brook running through it. Heimdall followed Loki, only to speak with him briefly before the all knowing, all seeing All father would see him speaking with him.

Heimdall: Young prince of Asgard, Although the All Father told me to banish you to a remote place in the wilderness, I have placed you here. You will thrive in this land and this is the best thing I could do for you. Take these items, they contain everything you need to start your new life here, and more more thing, I took the curtesy of giving you your favorite suit. Should you ever need me, I am but a yell away. Goodbye.....Loki.

With that, Heimdall was gone in a flash and Loki was left standing alone in this beautiful place.

Loki looked around and saw a small desolate little cabin about 30 ft away from where he was standing

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Loki looked around and saw a small desolate little cabin about 30 ft away from where he was standing. As he walked towards the little broken down cabin, it began to sparkle and twinkle and was suddenly surrounded by a bright colorful light. The broken down cabin suddenly turned into a sprawling mansion, complete with a concrete driveway, a large lush garden with a water fountain in front, and a beautiful pearlescent white jaguar parked in the driveway. Loki was take back for a second but then realized what had just happened. He walked towards the house and the doors opened. He walked to the door and looked up into the heavens and took a breath. He then walked into his new home, into and into his new life, to begin the rest of it.

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