The path less traveled

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As Loki began walking towards the woods, he could feel a surge of energy he never felt before! Although it was snowing heavily and the blizzard was bombarding his exposed skin, nothing was hurting him. He wasn't cold. He had a new found sense of glory, a new purpose in his life that he craved. Even though his journey was fraught with danger, he shivered with excitement for the new adventure that awaited him. As he walked from the morning to night, Loki camped under the stars and feasted on snakes and rats or whatever he could find. For the three days, Loki tread the densely populated woods. On day number 4, he had ran out of the water Aziza had given him. He continued his perilous journey until he could hear the trickling sounds of water. This gave him new found strength and he began to run towards the sound. As he got closer and closer to the sound he could hear the water continuing to trickle, louder and louder. He burst through the woods edge and came upon a small babbling brook. Loki became confused. This was no raging river! But none the less it was enough for him to drink the brooks water and revitalize himself. He had a freshly killed rabbit and he needed the water to clean and cook it. He gathered up stones and made a fire. He had found a bowl shaped rock, and wild onion and herbs. Loki quickly began to make his rabbit stew for lunch. While awaiting on the stew, he leaned against a tree and stared into the brook and began to drift off into a deep sleep. But as he fell asleep, he heard the sound of a twig being broken by footsteps. He quickly jumped up and stood behind the tree. He pulled out a dagger that Thor had given him from his lapel and held it tightly. The footsteps became louder and louder and closer and closer. Loki took his warrior stance and prepared for whatever came around the bend. He saw a small child creep around  the tree and made a b-line for the stew. Loki looked at this little creature and realized it was an elf. He took off his little hat and Loki could see his pointy little ears, his long blonde hair flowing down onto his back. This was only a child! No real threat. Loki snuck up behind the Elvin child and bend down and whispered in his ear.

Loki: Hello little one!

This made the Elvin child jump up and try to scamper away but ended up tripping over his feet and stumbled onto the dirt & leaf covered ground. Loki chuckled and helped the child up onto his feet. The child looked at him confused and simply ran away, into the woods. Loki shook his head and sat down near his stew and waited. All the while thinking about what Aziza had warned him about. Surely this Elvin child was no harm, he was only a child after all and was clearly starving. As he pondered and mixed his stew, he could see the Elvin child peek around from a tree in the distance. He took a some leaves and removed the boiling pot off the fire and set it to rest near him. The child was trying to be stealthy and quiet but the loud sounds of his stomach grumbling could wake the dead! Loki fumbled around the ground until he found another rock that was concave. He found a small one and washed it clean in the brook and sat it down next to him. He poured a good amount of soup into the small bowl and pushed it away from him to cool. Loki took a sip from his soup and made the "Mmmm" sound. This caused the child to creep closer to him. Loki smiled and raised the child's small bowl and offered it up to him. At first the child was hesitant but his hunger was too great and made him approach Loki. Although he didn't get near Loki, he placed the bowl on the opposite side of him and sat back down on his side of the fire. The child ran up, snatched the bowl and hid behind a tree and quickly consumed the stew. Loki saw the tiny bowl being tossed aside and he heard a loud burp. Which caused him to laugh out loud. The child peeked around the tree, smiled at Loki, bowed his head and ran off into the woods. Loki chuckled and continued his tasty rabbit stew. After he was finished, he was on his way again. Although he was starting to figure that he went the wrong way! There was a raging river he was supposed to come too not a babbling brook, but something told him to keep going forward. Another 3 hours past and it was midday and Loki grew weary. He wanted to stop for a nap but he knew he had to press on. The sun was high and hot, bearing down on him. Just when he was about to give up, the day changed. Suddenly he was in the shadows of the forest canopy. He suddenly realized he was in the Dark Elvin Woods. Not on spec of sunlight invaded this dark desolate place. He heard crackles and whispers upon the wind. Laughter and growling in his ears. Aziza had warned him about the dark elvins. He cautiously continued through walking when he came upon a band of small but fierce looking Elvins. Not having powers took away some of his courage. So he mustard uo all he could and put on a brave face and approached the group. He smiled and said

Loki: Hello, perhaps you could help me, I'm a little lost I think.

Carthin: my my what do we have here fellas? Looks like a.....(sniffs) a human.

Loki: Technically you are right, but I am also God. I am Loki, Prince Of Asgard, and I am burden with glorious purpose. And you are?

Carthin: GET HIM!!!!

Carthin: GET HIM!!!!

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