Sneaky sneaky sir...

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Loki crept into the cave slowly l, walking into the cold dark cave. Water was dripping everywhere and there was a distinct smell of rotten pudrid meat. The deeper he went in the more the smell became overpowering, causing poor Loki to regurgitate more than once. As he came around a bend, Loki could hear noises coming from afar. He could hear a combination of laughter, snorting, chanting, a mix of everything. He took one step forward and slipped down into a sliding pit. He slid down this wet rock and landed in a pool of pudrid stinky water. Loki once again felt the familiar tingle in his cheeks, he bent down as to get ready to throw up, but was suddenly stopped by a quiet squeaky..." hello". Loki jumped up and instantly had his guard up. He looked around and saw nothing in the dark pit. He opened his palm and illuminated the pit with a dim green light. Again, nothing. Once again her heard,"hello, down here". Loki looked around in confusion. "Look down"! Said the squeaky little voice. Loki looked down reluctantly and saw a small branch with two leaves, growing Igor out of the wall. Loki bend down and the little tree waved it tiny little branch.

Loki: Was that you? Did you say Hello?

Tiny tree: Yes! You're Loki! 

Loki: How did you know?

Tiny tree: I am a member of Saphrons family. I am part of his roots. I'm here to help you. You can take me with you.

Loki: But won't I hurt you if I pull you out? Won't I damage your roots?

Tiny tree: I'm alive remember. I am Harmji.

Loki smiled and gently reached down and pulled him out of the rock.

Loki: Hello Harmji. Did Sarphon create you?

Harmji: Yes! He ran his roots through the rock, when he heard you splash, he followed the sound and here I am.

Loki: We at least I'm not alone. Where do u go from here?

Harmji: Follow the water.

Loki placed Harmji on his shoulder and began to walk quietly following the flow. Loki could hear  the water dropping into an intense waterfall. They both looked down towards the water falling, over the sound of the water, Loki could hear the laughter and boisterous talking above the water.

Loki: Do we jump?

Harmji: No let's go around that way towards that small opening. Let me see if I can find a way through.
Loki backtracked an placed Harmji down near a small crevice in the rock, and he quickly disappeared into it. Loki waited patiently for Harmji to come back. He waited for what felt like several minutes when he suddenly saw a small branch peek out from the crack in the rock wall. The tiny little branch pointed along the wall. Loki looked down the way and saw a small opening hidden in the rock face. Loki crept up to the opening a squeezed through the tight walkway. When he finally made it through, Loki was in a large room full of sleeping Trolls. Loki quickly had his guard up. He felt a slight tap on his shoulder and turned around as if ready to defend himself but realized it was on Harmji who was settling back to his rightful place on Loki's shoulder.  A cute little smile filled is little Barry face and Loki smiled back in return. Harmji place his little branch hand over his mouth and quietly said: "shhh". Loki obliged. He began to sneak around the sleeping trolls. They breath rotten and producing a sort of lime green cloud of nauseous gas. Loki winced and covered him nose and mouth as he crept by them.  Loki could see the end of the sleeping den ahead. He snuck around the one sleeping troll guarding the opening and was able to simply walk under his partially lifted leg. Once they were out and went around a bend, Loki inhaled a deep breath and breathed a sigh of relief. Not only from dodging the trolls but from the smell!! Loki followed the wall into a shallow corridor, and there he was, Jinzog himself. Loki was about to step in the room when Harmji yelled in Loki's ear to stop, which was only a mere whisper to Loki. Loki looked at him confused.
Harmji: Pick up some dirt. I will show you why.

Loki did as he was told and picked a handful of dirt.

Loki: What am I to do with this dirt?

Harmji: Throw it along the pathway into his chamber. You will see why, once you do!

Loki looked confused but did as he was told. He carefully threw the dirt and as the dirt landed, Loki could see the invisible  strings that ran from the doorway to the hand of Jinzog. These strings were attached to his hands. Any slight movement of these strings would wake him up and there would be hell to pay. Loki swallowed hard and looked at Harmji as if to ask for his help or an answer.

Loki: Can't I simply cut them?

Harmji: No, they are taught, if he feels his finger move in the slightest, he will awaken from his slumber. We must find a way around them. The key necklace is around his neck.
Loki stepped back and pondered about the way to get around Jinzog's clever trap.

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