Finding his way back

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The next morning Loki awoke to Sarphon and Sarafeen covering his body completely. They were sleeping when he awoke. Loki quietly snuck away and and took a deep breath. The sun was so bright he covered his eyes and the smell of fresh air hit his nostrils and Loki couldn't help but smile. He could hear the it's chirping and butterflies zooming around his feet at the tall grass and flowers that aligned the green ground. Loki took a minute to just appreciate the quiet moment he had before the long journey ahead. He knew if he didn't slip out quietly that he would awake the sleeping trees and he did not want them on his journey and to take them away from their home. He began to creep away when he heard the trees stirring about. He stood completely still for a moment and watched and listened for them. They settled down once more and Loki quickly scurried away. He made his way through the dense forest and past the river. He heard some strange creaking sounds all around him and he began to get the feeling he was being watched. Although this did not distract him from heading forward. Somehow he managed to find his way back to the princesses bubble only to find her missing. He frantically ran around the entire bubble but there was no sign of her, there were no birds, no butterflies swarming around, the beautiful flowers that were incased inside were withering away and dying. He pulled out the key and opened to portal to go inside. As it opened he could hear a small faint whimpering sound coming from inside. He crept around looking for he sound, and boy did he find it. There she was, on the ground, seemly beaten and her beautiful white wings were torn off and burned. There was blood all around her weak body, pouring out from the place that once housed her wings. Loki ran to her, lifted her up in his arms and gently placed her onto his lap.

Loki: What happened?

Aziza: I was attacked.

Loki: But I don't understand how. I have the only key.

Aziza: No.....My father deceived you Loki. He knew you were there. He let you take a false key. He made his way here with his goons and they did this to me. You were too late.

Loki: If that is true then how did I open the door?

Aziza: You can open it, but you were never meant to leave Loki. You are trapped in here with me, until I die. This was his plan all along. He wanted you. Wants what you are. He knows he can rule this world with you by his side as a Jotun. If I didn't deceive you and tell you the truth, he would've have killed me. I didn't know that he was planning on killing me either way. i only pray you got the key that will disable the bubble so you can escape. I need to clear my conscience before I die. I am so so sorry Loki. For all the lies and things I have done. it was all a lie just to get your blood, your DNA so he could make his own Jotun troll army. Please, please forgive me.

Loki: A lie? All of it? I damn near died multiple times and your telling me this was all a lie just to get me?

Aziza: I'm sorry Loki. Please forgive me.......( Begins fading away)

Loki: No, NOOOO don't go! What am I supposed to do now?

Aziza: (Labored breathing) Find a way to get out Loki, if he takes your blood, he will have his army. I'm sorry......I'm sorry......I'm....sss.....(final breath)

Loki: NOOO....

Aziza closed her eyes and her body began to disappear. Slowly it faded away into a million crystals and Loki was left holding a mound of sparkling ashes in his hands. He gently placed the ashes on the ground and found an empty acorn shell. he filled it up with as much ashes as he could and wrapped them in a leaf. He placed it in his pocket and buried the rest of the ashes. he began to feel the earth shake under his feet and knew it could only be one thing, Jinzog. Loki quickly got up and ran for cover. After a few intense moments there was no Jinzog, no trolls, nothing. Loki carefully peaked his head out and saw the bubble had disappeared. Loki was more confused then ever. He walked out from behind the gigantic rock he was hiding behind and made it out of the forest where he saw his car. He sat in it and laid his head back trying to figure out what had happened. He soon fell asleep. He was startled awake by the sound of pounding on his window and the sound of sirens. Loki opened his eyes and saw Paramedics, firefighters and police surrounding his car. He felt an intense sharp pain on his head and felt a warm stream of liquid coming from his forehead that ran down his face. He could hear the paramedics and firefighters telling him not to move and to sit still, but it was all a blur to him. Loki soon passed out once again and awoke in the hospital.

Thor: Oh Brother, your awake.

Loki: What the hell am I doing here? Where's Aziza?

Thor: You were in an accident. You rammed your car into a tree during the snow storm. You have been missing for days. When the snow finally stopped and it melted a little it was then that the farmer found your car and called the police, and brother who is Aziza?

Loki: The White fairy, the princess I saved. The trolls and The talking trees and the....

Thor: Woah.....Brother must have been dreaming. You have a severe concussion and a huge cut on your head. I'm telling you, you must have been dreaming. You've been here for almost 2 weeks now, unconscious and in a comma. I've been here the whole time.

Loki: No, it was real, I have to go back...I have to find her! She can't be dead....she can't be.

Thor: Calm down Loki. It's alright your just confused. It's ok...

Loki began to fight to get out of his bed but Thor wouldn't allow it. He kept Loki down and called for the nurse. The nurse came in ad sedated him. As the sedation began to kick in Loki looked at he nurse, as muttered..."it's you"....

Thor shook his head and sat back down, reading his magazine. The nurse bent down and looked at Loki and said...

Nurse: Shhhh, it's alright. You will be fine. Sleep now......(whispering into his ear), Thank you for saving me Loki....I will repay you as soon as you heal and you' re out of here.

Loki looked up at her and realized it was Aziza, all along....then he dozed of once again and he pointed to her while she walked out of the room and Thor shook his head..

Thor: You and your vivid dreams brother. I think it's time I let mother and father know I am bringing you home....


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