The greatest reward

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Loki continued to follow the gold flaked path that the flower laid out for him. Although it was only a few clicks away from where he was standing, he stopped when the gold flakes piled up. He stood over it and looked out at the dry terrain and began his chant once again. After the chant the ground began to rumble and split apart. A large cave arose from the ground as dirt flew everywhere. Loki could hardly see in front of him but he could hear boisterous laughter and cackling coming from the cave. As the dirt cleared, he began to walk towards the cave,  slowly and cautiously. When all of a sudden he was kicked from behind and he tumbled to the ground. Loki stood up quickly and began to look around but saw nothing! The rogue dirt was still looming in the air and stinging his eyes. It covered the air around him and and created a fog. Loki squinted his eyes and saw a figure waking towards him. This small figure in the distance grew bigger and bigger as it became closer and closer. Loki ran for cover after realizing it was a giant troll heading in his direction. He quickly and quietly ducked behind a large bush swaying in the wind. He could hear and feel the footsteps of the giant troll coming closer and closer. The ground  beneath his feet began to tremble, causing Loki to lose his balance. The tree that was standing tall and proud in front of the bush was suddenly knocked over with a large pair of hands, as if it were a toy. It was lifted into the air and thrown into the distance. Loki gasped as he watched the tree fly into the air and soar far away until it could no longer be seen. Loki held his ground. Hiding behind the full leafy bush. He began to breathe heavily and became increasingly nervous. He could hear the troll speaking to someone. But all Loki could see was the Troll himself, but ass the troll grew closer, he saw something completely unexpected. Sitting perched on the troll's broad shoulders was Magnus. Loki's eyes zeroed in on Magnus, who was talking the trolls ear off and smiling. Loki grimaced and began to twitch with anger. Soon the Troll and Magnus were 50 feet away from Loki. He could know here them clearly. This time, Magnus was clear as day and could speak normally and not in the broken English he had once showed to Loki.  Loki's blood began to boil as the conversation he heard between the two, made him realize just what a soft touch he had become. 

Magnus: Yes giant one, I swear he was here, I left him at he edge of the forest, next to the desert. I fooled him. I told him you giants ate us. It made him feel sorry for me. 

Troll: Yes.....Good job Magnus. Leading him to me. We need to find this man, he will ruin everything for Aziza. She will marry the Gargoyle I have chosen for her. Once she agrees to marry one of these spawn of the devil, I will crush them and rule over them. I will tear their wings apart, and make them work as my slaves. I will have the mountains they own and reside in, and once that is done, I will rule this place piece by piece. 

Magnus: You will be king! King Jinzog, ruler of the forest, ruler of the desert and soon to be ruler of the mountains....

Jinzog: Magnus, Did this man have any idea that you were in league with us?

Magnus: No Jinzog. He thought I was a lost child, a forgotten one. Alone and afraid. He tried to help me, I gained his trust, and I almost had the flower in my hand.

Jinzog: And yet, you have come to me empty handed. Why is that, if you gained his trust, then why am i not holding the flower of gold in my hands?

Magnus: I am sorry my liege, but i had no choice but to run away from here. I feared he suspected me. I was afraid for my life.

Jinzog: As you should be.

Jinzog reached to his shoulder and grabbed Magnus in a firm grip into his giant hands. He pulled him towards his face and ginned and evil grin. He began to put pressure on Magnus by squeezing him ever so gently then gripping him tighter and tighter. Magnus began to scream in agony.

Jinzog: You have failed me Magnus......and for that you will pay.

Jinzog completely crushed Magnus in his hand and blood began pouring through his knuckles and fingers. Loki could hear the bones being crushed and Magnus's screams getting louder and more painful until there was complete silence. Loki shuddered as he looked on at Jinzog placing his hand near his mouth and gobbling up the crushed remains of what was once Magnus. Jinzog gobbled him up and lapped up all the remaining blood left on his hands. Loki gagged at the sight and shuddered. He quietly sat down behind the bush and tried his best to not make a sound. He felt the ground shake as Jinzog got closer and closer to Loki. For the first time in his life, Loki actually felt fear......

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