The reward changes people

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Loki and Magnus arrived at the edge of the Dark Elvin Woods. It seemed to be relatively quiet on the way, which aroused suspicion in Loki. He looked out into the barren land looming before him. Nothing but desert, sand and complete nothingness, not even one tree. It was a night and day difference, from the Dark Elvin Forrest to this baron desert wasteland. Loki looked at Magnus and noticed his face was full of fear.

Loki: Magnus, you alright?

Magnus: Giants, I fear big ones. They eat us.

Loki: Magnus, forgive me this but I have to ask you, you did bring me to the right place correct? You are not bringing me to the wrong place are you?

Magnus: No we made deal! Flower?

Loki: I will only give you the flower once I chant for the opening. If it's there, and this is the right place, I will give you the flower. But only then!

Magnus: No fair, we deal! You no follow deal.

Magnus began to pout and ran off into the woods. Loki tried calling for him but to no avail. Magnus had gone. This made Loki wonder if Magnus indeed had took him to the right place, why else would he run off? This make Loki feel bad. But none the less, he began his chant.

Loki: Hidden deep under the sun
The sands cracked and dry
The path has just begun
That leads to the open eye
Disguised within the mortal realm
No coverage from the mighty elm
I beg the to hear my plea
For I will not aband the
I summon the to reveal thy more
And lead the way to the open door.

Nothing. The wind was howling and the air was hot and dry. No door had been summoned and Loki knew Magnus had fooled him. He did not wanna begin again, so Loki decided to walk the edge of the woods and desert, but which way should he go? He was already down by a few days and he was in a time restriction. Loki took a deep breathe and asked himself...

Loki: Which way should I go? I have to help Aziza!

The second Loki finished questioning himself, the flower began to point towards the right. The wind took the gold flakes and created a path. Loki was surprised. He safely tucked the flower into his shirt pocket and began to follow the golden path the flower had laid out.

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