Aziza The Cursed

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Loki: Hello. I must say thank you for the bubble of protection. The winter and snow can be quiet vexing. Do you think i may enter your bubble?

The fairy looked at Loki perplexed. She tilted her head to the side as if she didn't understand what he had said. She looked him over and continued tilting her head from side to side as if trying to understand.

Loki: I am Loki. I am from Asgard but was banished here by my father. I am now a Midgardian. I mean you no harm. Would you perhaps give me the pleasure of knowing your name?

Fairy: Aziza

Loki: What was that? Did you say Aziza?

Aziza: name

Loki: Well, that's quiet a beautiful name. It's nice to meet you. May I ask how did you get into the bubble?

Aziza: Go away.

Loki: can tell me. I'm not here to hurt you, I'm merely curious as to why you are out here in the middle of the forest incased in a bubble.

Aziza: Please, if my father finds you here, he will kill you.

Loki: Your father? Is he the one that has done this to you?

Aziza: Yes. I am cursed, please you must go!

Loki: Cursed? What kind of curse?

Aziza: Its almost time for his arrival, please you must go now.....

Loki: I don't understand. I can take care of myself. I'm not afraid.

Just then Loki heard a loud booming sound of footsteps tracking through the forest. Aziza ran behind the tree and yelled at Loki.

Aziza: HE IS HERE.....HIDE!!!!

Loki ran behind a tree and covered his bubble up with snow, but left a small window to see. Through the woods, Loki could see trees being knocked over and could hear the sound of footsteps. With each step he could feel the ground tremble and shake beneath him. His eyes grew big when he saw a large troll emerge from the trees. A very hideous creature. Grayish skin, large bulbous nose with warts all over his face. Bushy hairy eyebrows that took up most of his forehead and damn near covered his eyes. His bulging belly protruding past his belt, which I might add was barley holding up the massive weight. He tromped through all the broken trees and stomped his way straight to the bubble. He circled the bubble over and over until he arrived on the far right side next to a small treasure chest hidden underneath a bunch of leaves. He pulled out the chest and opened it with a key that he had wrapped around his neck on a chain. Loki looked on curiously at him and watched him fumble around with the tiny key. He could barely get a grip on the key with his gigantic bulbous hands. As he fidgeted with the key, Aziza looked over towards the tree where Loki was hiding. There was a sudden spark of light and a lock appeared on the bubble. Loki was amazed to see such a thing. The giant troll inserted the tiny key in the magical lock and the bubble opened up like a portal. He walked into the bubble, and the portal closed right behind him. Aziza looked at her troll father stomping his way towards her.

Aziza: Hello Father.

Troll: Why must I remind you to come to the portal when I arrive. I don't like coming into your bubble!

Aziza: I'm sorry father.

Troll: Have you thought about my proposal?

Aziza: Yes I have father, and I will not do it. 

Troll: Will not do it? I don't care if you want to do it, you will marry Fallon! 

Aziza: No I wont father!

Troll: You will do as I say!

Aziza: No father I won't! I will not marry him! He's horrible!!! He treats me like I am his property. I hate him.

Troll: If you will not marry him, then you will stay in this prison! I will never let you out! AHHHH....

The troll stomped towards the edge of the bubble and opened the portal once more. He clamored into the woods once again. Loki waited until he couldn't hear anymore footsteps and he come out from behind the tree. He walked towards Aziza's bubble and saw her crying. 

Loki: Aziza, are you alright?

Aziza was sitting against a tree with her head in her lap, crying. Loki was concerned for her and couldn't believe her father kept her locked up in this bubble prison simply because she wouldn't marry someone her father wanted her to marry.  All Loki could do was watch her as she cried uncontrollably. He walked around to where the treasure chest was. He lifted it up and tried to open it, but it shocked him the minute he lifted it. It dropped to the ground and Loki fell backward and passed out from the shock that was sent spiraling through his body. 

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