The right pass.....

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Loki woke up days later with snow that covered his entire body. It formed a hill over him. He was shivering and shaking from the cold. He bust through the snow and took in a deep breath with his chest heaving heavily. He looked around and saw Aziza standing at the edge of the bubble calling his name. She had slept there for the days he was unconscious, keeping vigil over him. Loki saw Aziza, and smiled at her.

Loki: What happened?

Aziza: Your's changed. You have fur!!

Loki: Fur?

Loki touched his face and he realized he had grown a full facial beard.

Loki: How long was I out? It takes days even weeks for my hair to fill in my face!!

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Loki: How long was I out? It takes days even weeks for my hair to fill in my face!!

Aziza: For almost a month. The key chest sent you into a deep sleep as it does all who find me. Except they die. What are you?

Loki: I'm a God. But my powers were taken from me, by my father. He insisted I live out all eternity here in Migard or as the human call it Earth.

Aziza: But you didn't die?!

Loki: That's because I am immortal.

Aziza: Can you help me escape?

Loki: I can't! If I touch the chest again....

Aziza: No no, get the key from my father! He keeps it around his neck. He sleeps in the grand cave just over those mountains along the ridge. You can sneak in. You are small and they won't see you. He is blind!

Loki: Blind? Then how does he know to find you?

Aziza: Loki, I have been trapped here in This bubble for 500 years.

Loki: 500? Which way to the cave?

Aziza: You must walk for three days, over the river,  and along the tungsten pass, and through the dark elvin woods hidden under the canopy of the large sequoia trees.

Loki: What river? Tungsten pass? Elvin woods? I know not of these things!

Aziza: Follow the sun where it rises and continue forward for three days, you will come across a raging river, find a way to cross it. There is a magic pass hidden just below the waters edge. If you take the right path it will lead you across the river and into the tungsten pass. This pass is fraught with danger and you must take care. There are three trails, you must pick the right trail, if you do not, you will meet certain death. The right pass will lead you too the dark elvin woods. It changes completely. It's almost frightening. Tell them Aziza has sent you and you must give them this......

Aziza blew a kiss into the bubble and it turned into a butterfly which flew out of the bubble and landed on Loki's hand. It turned into a golden glittery flower that showered gold flakes.

Aziza: Take this to them and they shall let you pass into the the great sequoia canopy. Under the great trees, you will see nothing unless you look up. Should you see the shape of a fox inside the leaves, you are heading in the right direction, if you don't see a fox, turn around and start again at the edge of the Dark Elvin Woods.  Take heed, if the elvins offer you help, do not accept it. They will lead you away from the pass and take you into their sinister layer and boil you alive for their fiendish delight. The flower is payment! Do not lose it! Now, as you come out from underneath the canopy, you will come to what looks like an empty dessert, but it's only a mirage. You must chant in order to see the hidden cave. The chant is as follows:
Hidden deep under the sun
The sands cracked and dry
The path has just begun
That leads to the open eye
Disguised within the mortal realm
No coverage from the mighty elm
I beg the to hear my plea
For I will not aband the
I summon the to reveal thy more
And lead the way to the open door
This is what you must remember Loki! The opening to the cave will reveal itself after this chant. Should you forget the chant, even one word, you will be sent to another place, and you will not find your way back. You will be lost and I will be stuck here once again. You mustn't fail

Loki: I will try my best Aziza, that is all I can offer.

Aziza: We only have 8 days Loki.

Loki: 8 days?

Aziza: He sent word while you were sleeping. He will come for me and I will marry who he chooses, should I refuse, he will have me sacrificed to the Loland God. He is worse than you could possibly imagine. Please Loki, save me from this fate. I would rather die than marry that vile excuse of a man.

Loki nodded his head and gathered his strength.

Loki: We have no time to waste. I shall leave now.

Aziza: Here, take this. It will sustain you until you reach the waters of the river.

Aziza formed a bubble and it filled with crystal clear water. She blew it towards the bubbles edge and it flew to Loki. It turned I to a canteen and Loki placed it around his neck.

Loki: Thank you. I will not fail you! Keep hope that I will return!

Aziza smiled and nodded to Loki with tears filling her beautiful blue eyes. Loki set off towards the rising sun.

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